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Last Post 8/25/2009 10:54 AM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Deathlands 86 - Eden's Twilight
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7/13/2009 8:35 PM
of course..but any of the above would make Ideal updates as a side arm for Jack, JB, or Kristy.
Bury The Sun
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7/14/2009 3:36 PM
On course with the original subject for a second, I thought the book was great, look beyond the errors and try to see the excellent battle scenes and fight sequences. They are some very good, bloody/ gory and oh so sweet ones, in my opinion. Also, as somewhat of a militant and much more of a gun lover, I have always questioned why the Co. don't each carry some kind of rifle/ shotgun besides Ryan and J.B. All of their supposedly not so great weapons could then be used as side arms at the very least... but who knows, I rather like underdogs and long odds...

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
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7/16/2009 2:30 PM
Just started reading it today...the cover is gawd awful...don't know who the artist is but obviously he's never read a book.  Since when is Kristy a modestly endowed woman?  Where the hell are her blue eagle tip boots? Only thing I can think of its not actually Kristy.  Since when has she carried duel combat knives?  Kristy is always described as a veritable amazon that rendering she looks like a red wigged Paris Hilton with her twiggy arms and flat arse out for an afternoon of Paintball. At least that's what the pistol she's holding looks like.  Mel Odems books are hit and miss, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for one of his gems.
Bury The Sun
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7/16/2009 3:29 PM
lol... Paris Hilton out for an afternoon of paintball... that's pretty good... got a chuckle there... I agree though, the artist needs to look at some of the other covers at least... even if he/ she is to damn lazy to pick up the actual book and flip through a few pages!

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/17/2009 8:06 AM
I Think it's spelled "civilized".
Would not want anyone to call you a "Troll"
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/17/2009 8:11 AM

Yeah,I read those posts and I disagree.

There are alot of people on here who post alot harsher things and the guy(AOEC) was defending himself from attacks if you ask me.
I hardly think the man having real knowledge of firearms constitutes a weird tangent.
But you may have a point,everyone here would be better served to discuss things nice and calmly.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/17/2009 8:19 AM

No I strongly disagree there sir.Ol "One Chills" was a little off in the head perhaps where as I think AOEC was angry in his tone,yeah,but was kinda barraged with some name calling and insults that put him on the defensive perhaps?

I don't think standing up to cyberbully's is necessary a bad thing.even though he should have tried harder to not lose his temper.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/17/2009 8:27 AM


The guy everyone is talking about is actually a close friend and roomate of mine and he does have some temper issues.But I assure you my friend that he discussed the things he went through on this site and he definetly did not "Fear Or Despise" anyone.

He was just upset with a general level of unfriendliness from a select few and some insults and name calling he received.

He actually used some 4 letter expletives to get himself banned on purpose.
So Cerberus dude you are not quite accurate.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 8:31 AM

My friend(roomie)Aoec wanted me to apologize to you for one thing he said about the IRA.He say's to say he is sorry for your friend and that he was just sayi ng what kind of rifle they use,not trying to hurt or insult you.


"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 8:36 AM

I will tell AOEC what you said sir.He will appreciate that at least one person saw what he was trying to say.

yeah,he does fly off the handle.LOl!

I'm working on him about that.He just doesn't handle arguing well.LOL!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/17/2009 8:39 AM

Finally some firearms talk!

Yeah,I hope JB or someone adds a Colt 1911 myself.

I own and love the Sig 9MM,but a .45 Caliber has way more stopping power for a mutie or sec man!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 8:43 AM

You know your guns sir.

I have owned a blued and a stainless P89 and a polymer P95 and while they are good reliable guns,they are kind of clunky and way less ergonomic than a Glock(owned and sold one o' those too)

Nothing beats a SiG Sauer in 9MM.(Just my opinion)

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 8:49 AM

You are quite right!

The Glock 21 or Glock 17 would make more sense to me,even a Glock 22/23 as now most police agencies and the feds all use 9MM or mostly .40 caliber Glocks or Sigs.The 10 MM round is kind of obsolete due to the .40 cal and .357 Sig round.
Still,I am impressed,you really know your guns!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 9:16 AM

Actually he kind of got himself banned on purpose.

He is gonna laugh his ass off when I tell him the huge list of comments pro and (mostly)con about him.haha!

He said some guy on here was cool and asked him about 300 named Diablo?I guess thats you,yeah,me am him are roomates.(AOEC)
He said to say hey?

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 9:19 AM
Right on man!
Glocks all around would be awesome for the group!
Or Rugers,SiGs,etc......haha!
Probably never going to change the damn weapons though.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 10:44 AM

Are you Mark Ellis?

AOEC actually is a fan of yours.

By the way his "cursed screen name" actually is for a real reason.
The guy is blind in one eye(serious)and a Vet(Gulf war 91') so funny enough he actually is yet  "Another One Eyed Chiller".LOL!!!!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/17/2009 11:16 AM

I am new so sorry if I am asking this in the wrong forum....

Are you writing the "Slaughter Realms" Books Mr.Miles?
I read somewhere that you said you were not an author yet you own this site?
If you are not the writer is it the author who wrote the 2 Death Lands books that the Daniel Desipio character was in?(I assume?)

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/17/2009 11:24 AM
Posted By One Eyed Vengance on 17 Jul 2009 08:19 AM

No I strongly disagree there sir.Old "One EYE Chills" was perhaps a little off in the head(never talked w/him) perhaps where as I think AOEC was just angry in his tone,but was kind of barraged with some name calling and insults that put him on the defensive perhaps?

I don't think standing up to cyberbully's is necessary a bad thing.even though he should have tried harder to not lose his temper.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
Basic Member

7/17/2009 11:42 AM
Well obviously you do know your firearms well,won't dispute that.But AOEC knows his quite well and so do I(we are roomies and go to the range together)He also turned me onto the DL books.
He actually did not get himself upset over a "minor error",it was the argumentative nature and ignorance of the people he was pointing out what I see as a huge error.The Trader has an Armalite rifle chambered for 9mm?That's a bad joke if you do know your guns at all to any gun enthusiast(fiction or not)
As a man who obviously does know his firearms you might agree that an Armalite"rifle should fire a rifle round(5.56mm/7.62mm)and not a "pistol"round like a 9mm?
And he did not "Get Himself Banned"in the manner you say,it was as he tells me and I have read on the posts in retalliation for alot of "Veteran" members being less than nice to him.
That said,I mean no offense and hope we can be pals(one gun dude to another)
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Harry Whittleberry 2
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7/17/2009 12:31 PM
Hey One Eyed Vengance,

I'm finding your posts here quite hard to follow as they look as if you are answering none existant questions are you replying to peoples postings on other threds by mistake ?
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