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5 Replies and 3081 Views Continuity - a double-edged sword  3081  5 Started by  Ron Miles So, one of the most common complaints I hear about is a lack of continuity between books in the Deathlands series.&160; In a post earlier today, Revo-Ray lamented, '... did the writer of this book actually read or know anything about any of the other books'&160; In response to that post, I addressed the specific continuity break and how it happened, but it made me want to take a little extra time to talk about continuity in general.&160; Of course, this is only my opinion and I am eager to h...
5 3081
by  SkaramineJump to last post
2/4/2009 10:21 PM
10 Replies and 6708 Views Weapons of Cawdor's gang  6708  10 Started by  Finn Admittedly, one must ignore tactical reality to enjoy Deathlands novels.&160; One could discuss that for days - for example, nobody would carry nothing but a Smith J frame (like Krysty) when they routinely get into firefights and other weapons are available - but the armament of the protagonists is still an interesting subject.&160; I've fired everything they routinely carry except the ZKR551 (they do exist but I can't find one), and the LeMat.&160; JB's S&W 4000 would correctly be referred t...
10 6708
by  Ida1492Jump to last post
2/4/2009 12:43 PM
16 Replies and 6473 Views Complete Set  6473  16 Started by  RJ I have just added the lastest book in the series and now I have every single book in the Deathlands series and now with this site I can keep up on the new releases. It took me awhile but I found every book. Some are difficult to come by. &160;
16 6473
by  Revo-RayJump to last post
1/24/2009 12:53 AM
1 Replies and 3434 Views cannibal moon  3434  1 Started by  jacks#1fan ok so wow cannibal moon is crazy great if you havint yet injoyed it i sugest you go out and find it qwick over look of it is as fallows mildred is forst to eat&160;the oozzy infected brains of a canny and the only way to cure her 1 way tickit to a horribal end eather consisting of death or turning in to a flesh eater her self is to make a long trip across death lands to find the canny qween and drink her blood well ill leave you there and trust me it is worth it well i hope to hear from you all...
1 3434
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
1/9/2009 3:33 PM
1 Replies and 4000 Views Fallout 3 Parallels  4000  1 Started by  CDNUKRWanderer Hello all.....not exactly my first time here - I couldn't remember my Loggin stuff!!! Anyway, I am currently playing Fallout 3 for Xbox 360, and having got quite a ways in, I have noticed a few similarities between the Deathlands saga and the game..... Off the top of my head: - setting for both is a post-apoctalyptic USA - the main character carries a rad counter, as do Ryan and JB - in both, the charactetrs wander the wastelands in search of food, water and ammo,&160;all-the-while battling...
1 4000
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
12/15/2008 3:25 PM
3 Replies and 3705 Views Magus  3705  3 Started by  CyberSmurf I can hear the groans now. Any way...I can't find the answer and the archive is just the old Web Survival Guide. The net isn't helpful either. What was the first book The Magus was featured in prominently (Eclipse At Noon) And further, what was the first book he was mentioned in (Pilgramage To Hell) I moved to Canada about 3 and a half years ago and my books, read and unread, mysteriously disappeared enroute. While I have all of the old DH Audio audiobooks I haven't had time to listen to a...
3 3705
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
11/4/2008 7:41 PM
4 Replies and 4963 Views Anyone still here?  4963  4 Started by  Finn I just got into reading this stuff.&160;&160;The job has me&160;the road a lot and I started buying audio books and got into Deathlands.&160; It would be cool to get discussions going&160; though it looks like there hasn't been much activity here lately.&160; Finn
4 4963
by  Millennial ManJump to last post
10/29/2008 4:26 PM
9 Replies and 4449 Views Thunder Road author?  4449  9 Started by  mikeclr Anybody know for sure who wrote the current DL, Thunder Road (N'&160; yes...thanks...I know it's not OL, and it wasn't Mark, so I know most of you won't be reading it or couldn't care less...)
9 4449
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
10/13/2008 2:42 PM
21 Replies and 23561 Views Deathlands Ending  23561  21 Started by  Ryan_Cawdor
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
My dad thought of a good way to end the Deathlands series when they do stop it.&160; Is to find a time trawler in a redoubt and have mille find out how to work it and send doc tanner back to his time just as he is geting sucked ahead to stop the ripping apart of his daughters.&160; but doc from the past will still get trawled forward so he is still going to the deathlands era.&160; So yeah what do you guys think &160; Ryan_Cawdor
21 23561
by  mikeclrJump to last post
9/17/2008 11:40 AM
4 Replies and 4187 Views Operation ColdFire and Titan  4187  4 Started by  travis-dennis Can anyone give me some additional background information about ColdFire and Titan
4 4187
by  travis-dennisJump to last post
9/8/2008 11:01 PM
4 Replies and 6036 Views Can books be read out of order?  6036  4 Started by  mbl516 Just recently ran across these books at my local used/trade bookstore.&160; Of course, they didn't have ALL the books, but had a bunch.&160; I just wondered if this is one of those series that you don't really have to read in order to follow along.&160; Thanks for any advice.
4 6036
by  RoadwarriorJump to last post
7/18/2008 11:45 AM
0 Replies and 3991 Views Deathlands RPG, PbP Using Cortex Game Mechanics.  3991  0 Started by  Derekleighstark &160; Game is happening on, Free Signup, Free PbP Area online, with built in Dice Roller. Posting this here for the small community of Deathlands readers and Listeners that might be interestred in a Roleplaying game using the Deathlands as a Setting.
0 3991
by  DerekleighstarkJump to last post
7/17/2008 1:41 PM
2 Replies and 3365 Views Ryan was stupid...  3365  2 Started by  peadwen Ryan Cawdor for all his combat prowess was an idiot.&160; Why do I say many times through out the series was he told 'Don't go there, you'll regret it if you do...' and how many times did he ignore that advice&160; How many times did he ask his companions their opinions and when they all said 'No way..' how many times did he ignore them and go on into where ever it was they didnt want to go Trust me I understand that without Ryan's idiotic notions there wouldnt be a series...
2 3365
by  marco529Jump to last post
7/12/2008 2:05 PM
0 Replies and 3402 Views New cover art  3402  0 Started by  skullspliter Wow looks like on the new book, thunder road it's a painting not some crappy cut and paste picture.
0 3402
by  skullspliterJump to last post
7/8/2008 10:46 PM
0 Replies and 4150 Views Deathlands 81 - Desert Kings  4150  0 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 81 - Desert Kings The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
0 4150
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
4/20/2008 1:25 AM
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