9 Replies and 5144 Views
Anyone Read the Dire Earth Trilogy? 5144 9
Started by Maximus
Wow, man, what a great new writer this Jason M. Hough is!
This brand new sci-fi post-apocalyptic trilogy is pretty damn awesome thus far. I am just about finishing up the last 100 pages of the 2nd book - The Exodus Towers - and I can't help but feel the first 2 books have remided me strongly of a perfect bland of Deathlands meest Outlanders. (Especially Outlanders)
Has anyone tried these books Feels like very early Mark Ellis Outlanders.
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5144 |
by silentalbino10/14/2013 10:52 AM |
9 Replies and 3114 Views
Will Ryan and co ever escape the deathlands? 3114 9
Started by Obelmein
I've been a long time reader of the deathlands series and think it's about time they begin to build continuity between books. As the series progressed more and more secrets were revealed about the deathlands. Building continuity doesn't have to signal the beginning of the end, but allow the reader something to look forward to as well as build a gradual understanding of past, present and possible future events. Anyway the companions by now have a better understanding of predark tech than anyone i...
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3114 |
by silentalbino9/8/2013 4:53 PM |
0 Replies and 3424 Views
Check out new cover art for Outlanders Wings of Death 3424 0
Started by Maximus
I really like this cover art for the upcoming Outlanders novel titled Wings of Death.
And also the storyline sounds very interesting. Check it out on Amazon.com.
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3424 |
8/23/2013 11:27 AM |
16 Replies and 3877 Views
General gab, help me test the forum, thread 3877 16
Started by Ron Miles
As I posted elsewhere, I think I found (and fixed) the real underlying problem causing the cryptic white 'Object Moved' error page that has been plaguing us here lately. To help me be sure it really is fixed, I need your help. If you are so inclined, you can help by doing two things:
1. Post a lot. Talk about the the ungodly hot weather in London and how miserable the underground is. Talk about Pacific Rim. Talk about the highest level you have reached on Candy Crush Saga. Whatever. The goal is...
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3877 |
by )3az )3aziah8/17/2013 5:21 AM |
6 Replies and 2776 Views
Where are all the book reviewers? 2776 6
Started by Maximus
What happened to all those book reviewers that used to be on this site
I see only me reviewing both series.
Where are all your voices and feelings towards the latest Deathlands and Outlanders books
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2776 |
by AP7/28/2013 9:40 PM |
16 Replies and 4268 Views
The Walking Dead 4268 16
Started by Maximus
Is anybody watching this superlative TV series Man, this season already has blown me away!
I can't help but think why can't they do a Deathlands this good for TV
Walking Dead also makes REVOLUTION look silly and very cheesy.
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4268 |
by McPlop7/21/2013 7:43 AM |
17 Replies and 4099 Views
Anybody here seen World War Z? 4099 17
Started by Maximus
Wondered if anyone has seen or read this book
And if so, what'd ya think
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4099 |
by Maximus7/8/2013 1:48 PM |
5 Replies and 3967 Views
The Last of Us 3967 5
Started by silentalbino
Anyone here playing/aware of this game. It is F-ing amazing IMHO.
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3967 |
by silentalbino7/4/2013 1:58 PM |
7 Replies and 3455 Views
New Star Trek Film 3455 7
Started by silentalbino
Anyone seen this yet Have just seen it at the 'pictures' and it was pretty f-ing awesome.
Benedict Cumberbatch is amazing as always.
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3455 |
by silentalbino5/21/2013 12:56 PM |
1 Replies and 2598 Views
An Axler wriiter pens a Doctor Who comic strip 2598 1
Started by Ron Miles
FYI - James Axler scribe Rik Hoskin has written a strip in this week's Doctor Who Adventures weekly comic. It's issue 320, and being a weekly UK magazine it is only available on the news stands for the next seven days (now through next Wednesday, May 23rd). The strip even contains a nod to James Axler, with an alien race called the Raxel (an anagram of 'Axler').
My local comic shop in Central Florida does carry Doctor Who Adventures, although it tends to be delayed. If you are interested...
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2598 |
by Maximus5/17/2013 10:14 AM |
4 Replies and 3160 Views
Favourite Book Series 3160 4
Started by silentalbino
What are your favourite book series
Fantasy has to be Game of Thrones. Science Fiction, Riverworld and guilty pleasure Dl. Crime Fiction Elvis Cole/ Joe Pike novels.
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3160 |
by McPlop5/13/2013 12:50 PM |
3 Replies and 3388 Views
Riverworld 3388 3
Started by silentalbino
Has anyone ever read 'Riverworld' by Philip Jose Farmer. It is one of my favourite series of Books. If so can anyone recommend any other books like it. Thanks in advance.
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3388 |
by )3az )3aziah5/13/2013 4:17 AM |
88 Replies and 24043 Views
Nice job, Kerrick! Everyone should check out the new wiki! 24043 88
Started by Ron Miles
I would just like to direct everyone's attention to the Wiki link in the site navigation. It has been there forever, but the wiki software I was using was problematic and I never put a lot of effort into adding content there. A few weeks ago I installed a new wiki module (Canam Wiki Pro by Canam Solutions) and Kerrick stepped up to take ownership of the new JamesAxler.com wiki project. He has filled it with a great deal of information, but of course there are plenty of gaps - particularly as ...
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24043 |
by Kerrick5/4/2013 1:43 PM |
9 Replies and 3249 Views
Back on the Deathlands wag 3249 9
Started by Chuck
Not to toot mine own horn, but GE has kindly asked me to write another Deathlands book for the 2014 line up. I appreciate the kind things that have been said on this site about the two books I have written in the series. I will endeavor to make it a worthy entry.
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3249 |
by silentalbino4/23/2013 1:26 PM |
16 Replies and 4168 Views
Margret Marmite Thatcher 4168 16
Started by McPlop
Not looking for a tear up with anyone, just wondering on how she was viewed at home and further afield, particularly with our american cousins. Very broadly in the UK, she was hated if you came from north of watford or were in any way connected to the miners. Even tho i'm a jock, she gets a big thumbs up from me.
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4168 |
by )3az )3aziah4/22/2013 5:51 AM |
9 Replies and 3623 Views
Farewell Nick Pollotta 3623 9
Started by Ron Miles
I have just learned that frequent Axler author Nick Pollotta lost his battle with cancer today. More in a few hours when I am back at my desk.
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3623 |
by silentalbino4/16/2013 1:22 PM |
7 Replies and 3538 Views
It's the 80's all over again!!! 3538 7
Started by silentalbino
With the new's off yet more 80's remakes(Top Gun, Robocop) my Question is this- what 80's film(s) would you like to see get a (decent) remake
And on the other hand what films would you be loath to get the same treatment
Feel free to mention any other films from different decades
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3538 |
by silentalbino3/20/2013 5:18 PM |
16 Replies and 5380 Views
Further reading 5380 16
Started by McPlop
Howdo all. Fairly new to the whole post apocalypse scene. Read a few bits and bobs. The postman (much better book than film), I am legend & The road (better films than books!) Autumn series, World war z, JL bournes day by day armageddon, Alas babylon, The passage & The twelve, and Quite a few of jerry Aherns The survivalist series (got a little sick of mr. rourkes endless skill set) Two of my favourite books of all time are David Grahams Down to a sunle...
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5380 |
by silentalbino3/20/2013 5:15 PM |
6 Replies and 3720 Views
Time Travel Books 3720 6
Started by silentalbino
I am currently reading 'Against the tide of Years' and was wondering if any of the other forum users could recommend any other time travel novels. I've read most of the 1632 universe books.
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3720 |
by silentalbino3/17/2013 4:46 PM |
9 Replies and 3723 Views
Congrats to Ron! 3723 9
Started by mikeclr
Ron, I just wanted to say congrats on the publication of 3500! it's on my to be read list for sure.
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3723 |
by )3az )3aziah3/6/2013 6:32 AM |