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4 Replies and 3201 Views Name your 5 favorite Outlanders books in order  3201  4 Started by  mikeclr 1-Tomb of Time 2-Exile to Hell 3-Savage Sun 4-Children of the Serpent 5-Talon and Fang
4 3201
by  RaboyJump to last post
5/26/2010 8:31 PM
7 Replies and 3412 Views Name the order of DeathLands chracters favorite to least favorite?  3412  7 Started by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON 1 Ryan Cawdor2 The Trader3 Jak lauren4 J.B.Dix5 Mildred Wyeth6 Kristy Wroth7 Doc Tanner8 Dean Cawdor
7 3412
by  RYAN'S BASTARD SONJump to last post
5/26/2010 7:29 PM
7 Replies and 3606 Views Name your 5 favorite DeathLands authors in order.  3606  7 Started by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON 1 Laurence James2Mel Odom3Nick Polotta4Allan Phillipson5Mark Ellis
7 3606
by  The PhantomJump to last post
5/25/2010 7:31 PM
1 Replies and 2511 Views First 31 books in Deathlands Series for sale  2511  1 Started by  sid s I have the first 31 books in the Deathlands Series (all first printing). Would like to sell all at once. Make me an offer. Also have first 3 EarthBlood and first Outlanders for sale. Email direct to
1 2511
by  RYAN'S BASTARD SONJump to last post
5/25/2010 3:44 PM
2 Replies and 5612 Views Deathlands series and Fallout 3  5612  2 Started by  roadbum One thing I've been meaning to pass along......Since I play Fallout 3 I visit several sites devoted to the game. From time to time someone will bring up the subject of books with a Fallout 3 type theme, I have yet to see anyone mention (except myself) the Deathlands and Outlanders series. I've mentioned it several times, don't know if it's had any effect but maybe somebody has checked out these books.
2 5612
by  Saxon1974Jump to last post
4/25/2010 8:06 PM
7 Replies and 5912 Views Hi from new fan  5912  7 Started by  Q. Hey there everyone.  I just wanted to introduce myself. I've just started listening to the graphic audio versions of the Deathlands series and I'm enjoying them so far.  I'm up to 5 Homeward Bound. Just curious...does anyone know where 'By the three Kennedys' expression come from Cheers!
7 5912
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
3/29/2010 3:34 PM
0 Replies and 3954 Views GE Publication process  3954  0 Started by  Sin-Eater Interesting thread over on with several authors input.
0 3954
3/2/2010 8:15 AM
7 Replies and 3688 Views The Book of Eli  3688  7 Started by  roadbum Anybody seen this film yet Another post-apocalyptic flick, but THIS is Deathlands! Denzel Washington is great, even carries a panga and uses it with deadly effect. Those familiar with Fallout 3 will also see a game brought to life, but the way this guy deals with the local Baron and his 'sec' men as well as various coldhearts will see Ryan Cawdor minus his companions. Check it out.
7 3688
by  Loose Bolt GamesJump to last post
1/21/2010 8:44 PM
11 Replies and 7112 Views Doctor Who: The End of Time  7112  11 Started by  Ron Miles Jesus. Baz, is there any chance you could go find Russel T. Davies and kick him in the nuts for me  Because seriously, David Tennant deserves much better than this crap.  Thank God Steven Moffat has taken over.
11 7112
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
1/6/2010 9:07 PM
3 Replies and 3184 Views HAPPY NEW YEAR  3184  3 Started by  )3az )3aziah Have a happy, peaceful and fun new year folks...see you all in 2010.Cheers,Jim
3 3184
by  Wordsmith-repriseJump to last post
1/1/2010 11:18 AM
2 Replies and 2664 Views Tournament Trophies!  2664  2 Started by  Outlanders My son and three others from Freestyle Kung Fu went to a martial arts tournament on Saturday. Out of the four who entered, they managed to bring back a total of 8 trophies. Gary, he and his friend Bryan placed first for Team Forms. Gary then got second for Sparring and individual forms. The others did great as well, but I won't go into it. But here are the photos.... From Left to Right - Colton, Bryan, John Paul and Gary From Left to Right - Master Friesen, Gary, Colton, John Paul, Bryan a...
2 2664
by  OutlandersJump to last post
10/13/2009 10:36 PM
0 Replies and 3634 Views Famous People  3634  0 Started by  Outlanders Here's three pictures that were taken earlier this year at the Calgary Comic Expo in April.I only recently got around to putting them up on Photobucket, thus the lengthy delay.This is of myself, my son and Ray ParkThis is of myself, my son and James Kyson Lee (Ando) from HeroesAnd finally, this photo is of myself, my wife and Edward James Olmos.Chris
0 3634
10/10/2009 10:20 PM
39 Replies and 9462 Views Zombie Apocalypse!!!  9462  39 Started by  Bury The Sun
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
It finally happened. Zombies. I know we all live in different cities and parts of the world, so I think it would be cool to hear your perfect plan to fight back and/or escape the zombie horde. I'm not going to choose what form of zombie you have to face, but lets try not to make it too easy on ourselves here ya know!Fight back or run away, either way you have to arm yourself, so what kind of weapons are you going to use against the horde of the undead Do you plan to escape in a vehicle or do y...
39 9462
by  Ida1492Jump to last post
10/6/2009 4:36 PM
2 Replies and 2668 Views Not......  2668  2 Started by  Diablo I'm not who you all think I am so please stop with the Im's and emails.You know who you are.Thanks
2 2668
by  DiabloJump to last post
9/26/2009 3:57 AM
3 Replies and 2853 Views Please allow me to do my job  2853  3 Started by  Ron Miles All, I am asking you nicely again - if you see an objectionable post, it is not your job to respond to it publicly.  There is a yellow Alert icon at the top of each post, if you feel a particular post is objectionable for any reason you are welcome and encouraged to use that Alert icon to notify me, or you can send me a message with the Messaging area of this website, or you are welcome to email me directly at with your concerns. If you are not a moderator on this forum, y...
3 2853
by  DiabloJump to last post
9/26/2009 3:44 AM
3 Replies and 3569 Views RPG's  3569  3 Started by  Outlanders Since it was brought up, if you want a great zombie RPG I suggest that you look up Year of the Zombie. It's designed to be used with Wizards of the coasts D20 modern rpg book. There are a large number of source books available for it, and two adventures as well., I ran the game for about 6 months, and it was fun. The rules were a bit quirky for my taste, as I honestly prefer to run more realistic type games (GURPS, perfect for the le...
3 3569
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
9/15/2009 8:15 PM
2 Replies and 2766 Views Eric Stone's story  2766  2 Started by  Outlanders So, here's another chapter from the untitled zombie novel I was working on. Unlike the first one I posted, this one is far more action packed, and was one where I actually did research so the bit on the fire fighters sounded true to life.This particular chapter has a LOT of foul language, so you've been warned.And, yes, there is a tribute to a movie that most people thought was terrible, but I happened to like. It was goofy, but I found it a lot of fun, you know the type, turn your brain off and...
2 2766
by  BKSFLDR8RMANJump to last post
9/15/2009 2:57 PM
14 Replies and 5232 Views Because the gauntlet has been thrown down...  5232  14 Started by  Outlanders I figured I'd accept the challenge.There WILL be grammar errors in this chapter, there will be a few technical issues with it as well. That I don't deny.This is but one of 5 sections of a work in progress, something I was doing for fun until I realized that it was pretty much a lost cause because of the market saturation, and that I personally don't think it was all that good.This 'chapter' involves a character named Harold who has, at best, a tenative grip on reality... so when things begin to ...
14 5232
by  ScourgeJump to last post
9/13/2009 10:32 PM
8 Replies and 3476 Views How I spent last night  3476  8 Started by  Ron Miles From Discovery Launch, STS-128 Let me tell you, when someone lights off a rocket that large only half dozen miles from where you are standing, you feel it. It also lights up the entire sky, like a false sunrise. It was a truly, truly awesome experience.
8 3476
by  JettaManDanJump to last post
9/1/2009 8:01 AM
3 Replies and 3054 Views What should I do ?  3054  3 Started by  )3az )3aziah I've had my GF for 2 years now (practically lives with me) - small white, petite thang, cooks for me, always been good to me. I go away on vacation for a week, come back and something just doesn't seem right . I asked my Father if he had seen anything happen with my GF and he acts clueless. So fast forward to 3 weeks later... I'm coming home from work when bam! clear as day, right in my Kitchen, I catch my Father red handed with his meat in my GF. I was P!SSED, told him to get his...
3 3054
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
8/21/2009 2:20 PM
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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.