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0 Replies and 2364 Views New cover scans and books added  2364  0 Started by  Ron Miles Courtesy of Chris Van Deelen, I have just added cover scans and bibliogrophy pages for: Outlanders: Janus Trap Deathlands: Desolation Crossing Rouge Angel: Seeker's Curse Enjoy!
0 2364
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
2/7/2009 10:22 PM
0 Replies and 3221 Views 2008 Can Kiss My--  3221  0 Started by  Jax2 I'm tempted to call 2008&160; The Worst Year EVER but I don't want to jinx myself. It had its good moments, I suppose. Around 11 PM on November 4th, mainly. I'll be posting an End of the Year blog on my site--complete with pichurs--in a day or keep checking. Also--The Miskatonic Project graphic novel is sold out at Diamond and Weird That has never happened with any&160; of my Outlanders books....or probably any GE book for that matter. Anyhow, we've gone back to pre...
0 3221
by  Jax2Jump to last post
12/31/2008 7:16 PM
0 Replies and 2444 Views CHRISTMAS advice in a sour economy.  2444  0 Started by  North 'Christmas time! That man must be a misanthrope indeed, in whose breast something like a jovial feeling is not roused - in whose mind some pleasant associations are not awakened - by the recurrence of Christmas.&160; There are people who will tell you that Christmas is not to them what it used to be; that each succeeding Christmas has found some cherished hope, or happy prospect, of the year before, dimmed or passed away; that the present only serves to remind them of reduced circumstances and ...
0 2444
by  NorthJump to last post
12/19/2008 10:08 AM
14 Replies and 4819 Views The Cthulhu Store Called--  4819  14 Started by  Jax2 --And the Great Old One is not running out of you. With this month's&160;release of The Miskatonic Project: The&160;Whisperer in Darkness graphic novel, we've opened The Miskatonic&160;Project Store that&160;features official, one-of-a-kind Lovecraftian merchandise. There&160;you'll find everything from Cthulhu cups: to Necronomicon book bags and even items featuring the man himself-- H.P. Lovecraft!&160; &160; And of course there are plently items featuring The Miskatonic Project...
14 4819
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
11/28/2008 8:42 AM
0 Replies and 2932 Views Thanksgiving  2932  0 Started by  )3az )3aziah Happy Holiday to all you Colonials out there. I hope you all have a safe and peaceful one and have at least one thing to be thankful for this year. Enjoy, Jim &160;
0 2932
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
11/26/2008 7:55 PM
5 Replies and 3443 Views New covers posted  3443  5 Started by  Ron Miles Courtesy of Chris Van Deelen, I just added new cover scans for Outlanders 49 - Shadow Box (worst Outlanders cover ever), and Rogue Angel 18 - Sacrifice.&160; As always, many thanks to Chris and his sources for obtaining these cover scans so far in advance.
5 3443
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
11/15/2008 6:07 PM
1 Replies and 2689 Views General Site Maintenance  2689  1 Started by  Ron Miles I finally actually got some work done on the site.&160; All of the Outlanders and Deathlands book entries are up to date, including several new cover scans (most, if not all, of which came courtesy of Chris van Deelen).&160; In addition to adding new books and new covers, I did a little forum maintenance to add official threads for each current and upcoming book.&160; Finally, I updated the Amazon carousel on the home page to reflect the current titles. At this point the only thing I am behi...
1 2689
by  The PhantomJump to last post
11/1/2008 2:27 PM
4 Replies and 3347 Views Death Hawk merchandise  3347  4 Started by  Jax2 Since there's an Amazon link to the Death Hawk: The Soulworm Saga graphic novel on the books page here (,) I'm posting a link to the Death Hawk merchandise store, where you can acquire all sorts of wonderous and whimiscal items so you'll always be reminded of the 25th century salvage expert and his protoplasmic pal, Cyke.
4 3347
by  OutlandersJump to last post
9/18/2008 12:02 PM
13 Replies and 3959 Views Burned Out  3959  13 Started by  Ron Miles Folks, I pretty much need to come right out and admit that for the past few months I have been completely burned out on running this website.&160; I have taken on a new position at work that I am very excited about, and I have let things around here slip.&160; I have at least a half dozen covers for upcoming books that I haven't gotten around to posting, plus various other updates.&160; All I can say is I am sorry, and thank you to everyone who continues to hang around in spite of my inattent...
13 3959
by  Ryan_CawdorJump to last post
9/11/2008 12:31 AM
2 Replies and 3283 Views Google Pictures  3283  2 Started by  )3az )3aziah I found this on another forum and thought it would be fun to try here... &160; the rules: I'll post a phrase or a word, then the next person will use Google image search to find the coolest, funniest, weirdest picture from that phrase. That person will post the picture, along with another phrase, etc. Let's avoid making this a porn thread please, nor any horrible death or accident pics, there's plenty more weirndess on the www than those subjects. Here goes... Gabardine
2 3283
by  sandman96094Jump to last post
9/1/2008 4:17 PM
1 Replies and 3168 Views About bogus reviews....  3168  1 Started by  Outlanders I&160; just read this over on the enworld forum. You know, I've been accused of writing generic reviews, and I too have accused people, aka One Eye Chills AKA Eric the Red of writing generic bogus reviews. I just found this quite funny, truth be told... Chris Dear Community, Earlier today OneBookShelf Inc, owners of Rpgnow and DTRpg, discovered a second account which I had created some three years ago in their system. Upon investigation, they found that I had used this second account to p...
1 3168
by  SkaramineJump to last post
8/30/2008 1:20 PM
3 Replies and 3250 Views Question regarding sentry password  3250  3 Started by  Grantbo Greeting!&160; (neat site by the way). I seem to remember in one of the books&160;that when the main characters were doing sentry duty they had a system worked out to identify if one of their group was under duress.&160; I think they would identify themselves with a name starting with an A (Adam for example), to show that they were ok and alone.&160; They would use a B or C name to represent other things.&160; I can't remember how this went so could some please educate me Thanks in advan...
3 3250
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
8/14/2008 7:19 PM
0 Replies and 2521 Views Question regarding sentry password  2521  0 Started by  Grantbo Greeting!&160; (neat site by the way). I seem to remember in one of the books&160;that when the main characters were doing sentry duty they had a system worked out to identify if one of their group was under duress.&160; I think they would identify themselves with a name starting with an A (Adam for example), to show that they were ok and alone.&160; They would use a B or C name to represent other things.&160; I can't remember how this went so could some please educate me Thanks in advan...
0 2521
by  GrantboJump to last post
8/13/2008 4:29 PM
0 Replies and 3109 Views Superman in the 40's was too Gay?  3109  0 Started by  Skaramine &160; 1940s Superman Too Gay, Said Editors &160; Today, fans may refer to the first decade of the Man of Steel's existence as his Golden Age, but back in those days, editors at DC didn't feel the same way. In fact, recently-released documents from that era show that they thought that Superman seemed a little too gay for their liking. Oh, and Lois should have an abortion so that her breasts can go down a size or two, as well. Going through the correspondence between DC (then called Detect...
0 3109
by  SkaramineJump to last post
8/9/2008 11:30 PM
6 Replies and 3585 Views The Dark Knight  3585  6 Started by  Ryan_Cawdor I want to know what you think of the movie. I wont tell you what i think because i don't want to go into detail of the movie till i know you all have saw it. Cris
6 3585
by  SkaramineJump to last post
8/1/2008 6:12 PM
4 Replies and 3098 Views Free advertising for Mark...  3098  4 Started by  Outlanders Hey guys, I thought you might be interested in this...Mark gets a shout out from comics writer Ron Fortier on the Comics Related website podcast! If you're interested you can check it out at...
4 3098
by  RaboyJump to last post
7/21/2008 5:26 PM
4 Replies and 3356 Views 10 Indiana Jones little known facts  3356  4 Started by  Outlanders I knew a few of these, but the rest came as a bit of a surprise. Chris
4 3356
by  RoadwarriorJump to last post
7/18/2008 11:32 AM
4 Replies and 2454 Views Transfuzion Publishing and Millennial Concepts Join Forces  2454  4 Started by  Ron Miles Press release from this morning: Transfuzion Publishing and Millennial Concepts Join Forces (July 9, 2008). Gary Reed, founder of Caliber, a seminal independent comics publisher in the 1990s and currently co-publisher with Rafael Nieves of Transfuzion Publishing have joined forces in a joint graphic novel publishing venture with Mark Ellis and Melissa Martin Ellis, founders of Millennium Publications. &160; Gary was owner of Caliber Comics, an independent publisher which centered on creat...
4 2454
by  OutlandersJump to last post
7/12/2008 2:52 PM
0 Replies and 2860 Views Don S. Davis, rest in peace. :(  2860  0 Started by  Skaramine &160; Dear Fans and Friends of Don S. Davis, So many of you have been touched by not only the work and art of Don S. Davis, but by the man himself, who always took the time to be with you at the appearances he loved, that it is with a tremendous sense of loss I must share with you that Don passed away from a massive heart attack on Sunday morning, June 29th. On behalf of his family and wife, Ruby, we thank you for your prayers and condole...
0 2860
by  SkaramineJump to last post
7/1/2008 12:33 AM
0 Replies and 2276 Views Shanks and Helfer on Burn Notice.  2276  0 Started by  Skaramine Ash, Starbuck and Daniel Jackson on the same show&160; The pure awesome of Burn Notice is blinding. &91url=,0,2503354.story&93Cool link shrunk.&91/url&93 This season Michael Shanks and Tricia Helfer will become recurring characters on the funny, intelligent Burn Notice. &160; Shanks plays a particularly interesting role.&160; 'He's &91the lead character&93, but with rabies.'
0 2276
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/30/2008 11:19 AM
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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.