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2 Replies and 2783 Views Please, Feel Free to Point and Laugh  2783  2 Started by  Skaramine In classic Wojtowicz fashion, I made a horrible error in understanding and judgement.&160; The invitation to the comic convention I had been crowing about for today turned out to be an invitation to next month's San Diego Comic-Con, not the Chicago show. &160; However, since I can't GET to San Diego, the big Doug Wojtowicz conquers the Comics World extravaganza I was expecting today has been called off. This is what I expect nothing less from certain folks... &160; &160; I'm a twit.
2 2783
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/28/2008 3:52 PM
1 Replies and 2380 Views Wizard World Chicago.  2380  1 Started by  Skaramine If anyone's going to the Chicago Comic-Con June 27 - 29th, you might just catch me there. &160; I'll definitely be at the Gold Eagle booth, though, I haven't heard anything back from the IDW folks.&160; (They probably have too many REAL comic book folks to salt the mix with an utter noob.)
1 2380
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/27/2008 3:05 AM
3 Replies and 2435 Views Wow, a new user... That's great! We'd be happy to show you the ropes!  2435  3 Started by  Ron Miles
3 2435
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/27/2008 3:02 AM
0 Replies and 3032 Views Effects wizard Stan Winston dies at 62  3032  0 Started by  )3az )3aziah From CNN: &160; LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Hollywood special-effects maestro Stan Winston has died at age 62. The Oscar-winning visual effects artist died at his home Sunday evening surrounded by family after a seven-year struggle with multiple myeloma, according to a representative from Stan Winston Studio. Winston won visual effects Oscars for 1986's 'Aliens,' 1992's 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day' and 1993's 'Jurassic Park.' A great loss to the Movie industry and all he gets i...
0 3032
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
6/18/2008 3:07 PM
0 Replies and 2337 Views Greatest American Hero on Heroes  2337  0 Started by  Outlanders William Katt is walking on air - he never thought he could feel so free! Katt, who was briefly famous in the '80s playing superhero Ralph Hinkley on ABC's The Greatest American Hero, will once again be dealing with superhuman powers - though he will not be flying away on a wing and a prayer. In an interview with Newsarama, 57-year-old Katt confirmed that he will be appearing in the third season of NBC's Heroes but will not have any special powers. 'I just filmed it last week,' he said. 'I play...
0 2337
by  OutlandersJump to last post
6/17/2008 8:46 PM
4 Replies and 2994 Views Question for Lok  2994  4 Started by  )3az )3aziah Has anything arrived yet
4 2994
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
6/16/2008 7:28 PM
0 Replies and 2361 Views Finally... a REALISTIC Apocalyptic Movie.  2361  0 Started by  Skaramine Jay and Seth vs. The Apocalypse. &160; Think The Odd Couple with more f-bombs, and the end of the world.
0 2361
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/13/2008 2:12 PM
0 Replies and 3311 Views Theo Jansen's Strandbeests  3311  0 Started by  Skaramine From the Youtube description: Dutch artist Theo Jansen demonstrates his amazingly lifelike kinetic sculptures, built from plastic tubes and lemonade bottles. His 'Strandbeests' (Beach Creatures) are built to move and even survive on their own. Imagine a decision making device without electronics, only air bottles and tubes.&160; Imagine a robot without motors or hydraulics, weighing up to TWO TONS, yet able to walk with only the power of a breeze beh...
0 3311
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/6/2008 4:56 PM
2 Replies and 3431 Views Arlo Guthrie Classic Video.  3431  2 Started by  Skaramine A truly hilarious 14 minute intro to a one minute song.&160; You'll howl. Some adult language.
2 3431
by  SkaramineJump to last post
6/5/2008 2:33 AM
0 Replies and 3034 Views Flickr  3034  0 Started by  )3az )3aziah I've set up my own flickr page where I hope to keep a constant stream of new and (hopefully) interesting photos uploaded. If you wish to take a look -and leave some comments, please feel free to wander over to: and take a look, Jim &160;
0 3034
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
6/1/2008 3:55 PM
0 Replies and 2926 Views Terminator 4 news  2926  0 Started by  Outlanders T4 Details Revealed Warner Brothers announced that Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, the fourth installment in the SF franchise, began production on May 5 in Albuquerque, N.M., and offered new details about the movie's storyline and cast. McG is directing the movie, which stars Sam Worthington and Christian Bale as an adult John Connor, based on a script by Michael Ferris and John Brancato (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines). Warner also offered new details about the film, whi...
0 2926
by  OutlandersJump to last post
5/23/2008 9:11 AM
2 Replies and 3076 Views Heroes season 3 promo  3076  2 Started by  Outlanders
2 3076
by  OutlandersJump to last post
5/22/2008 9:29 PM
0 Replies and 2955 Views For fans of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Shaun of the Dead...  2955  0 Started by  Outlanders Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Chris
0 2955
by  OutlandersJump to last post
5/19/2008 2:23 PM
0 Replies and 2913 Views Atlantis: Major changes coming  2913  0 Started by  Outlanders Atlantis Cast Changes Coming The upcoming fifth season of SCI FI Channel's original series Stargate Atlantis will see the addition of a new regular cast member, the promotion of another and the departure of yet another, producers told SCI FI Wire on May 16 during a visit to the show's Vancouver, Canada, production offices. One of the biggest changes is the addition of Robert Picardo as a regular cast regular in the role of Richard Woolsey, who takes over as the new commander of the Atlant...
0 2913
by  OutlandersJump to last post
5/19/2008 11:21 AM
0 Replies and 3163 Views Mummy 3 trailer  3163  0 Started by  Outlanders Chris
0 3163
by  OutlandersJump to last post
5/16/2008 8:36 PM
2 Replies and 3131 Views What Happened thread  3131  2 Started by  Ron Miles Please refer to my post in the Forum News & Announcements forum for an explanation as to what is going on with the forums.&160; This thread is for anyone who would like to post any comments or feedback.
2 3131
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
5/16/2008 10:57 AM
0 Replies and 2985 Views X-Files: I want to believe trailer  2985  0 Started by  Outlanders Chris
0 2985
by  OutlandersJump to last post
5/13/2008 7:33 PM
0 Replies and 3029 Views Link to the Clone Wars Trailer.  3029  0 Started by  Skaramine Not too bad looking.&160; Still, loved the Gennedy Tartkowsky (sp) 2-D version. &160;
0 3029
by  SkaramineJump to last post
5/12/2008 12:57 AM
2 Replies and 3073 Views Doc Salvaged - a fan edit of the George Pal movie.  3073  2 Started by  Skaramine With the advent of computer film editing, films that had been ruined have a chance at rennovation by dedicated fans.&160; There are stories of versions of the Star Wars prequels where Jar Jar Binks has been removed. &160; Now, we have the film of one of the Outlanders continuity's greatest influences, Doc Savage, cleaned up by wise and capable fans.&160; &160; &160; I wonder if there's a fan edit of Batman and Robin that redeems the better points of that...
2 3073
by  SkaramineJump to last post
5/6/2008 1:42 PM
0 Replies and 2519 Views Great!  2519  0 Started by  mikeclr Terrific story, thanks Ron!
0 2519
by  mikeclrJump to last post
5/6/2008 10:34 AM
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