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23 Replies and 8221 Views What kind of changes to the series would you do?  8221  23 Started by  Maximus
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
A question to the series masses out there: What kind of changes do you think the Deathlands and/or Outlanders series needs
23 8221
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
2/24/2012 12:53 PM
6 Replies and 3774 Views My latest publication...  3774  6 Started by  Outlanders After a delay of 4 months due to my publisher's computer crashing, a project that I started has been at last released. It's for the Mutant Future RPG and it is a weekly E publication called Wisdom from the Wastelands. Best part is the price. It's only a buck! =) This is but the first. I personally have written enough issues to cover a six month period. I also have no less than FOUR books coming out eventually. One wa...
6 3774
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
2/23/2012 5:25 AM
11 Replies and 3451 Views What happened to all the fans reviewing both series?  3451  11 Started by  Maximus I remember a time there used to be a lot more reviews here and on Where did everybody go to voice their opinions Did that many fans jump ship
11 3451
by  MaximusJump to last post
2/21/2012 10:53 AM
3 Replies and 3101 Views HAPPY CHRISTMAS  3101  3 Started by  )3az )3aziah HAPPY CHRISTMAS or HOLIDAYS (if that suits you better)... Have a wonderful, peaceful and fun few days folks. Cheers, Jim
3 3101
by  ChuckJump to last post
12/25/2011 10:37 AM
0 Replies and 3513 Views The Return, Chapter 4  3513  0 Started by  Outlanders This is the last chapter that I will be posting of this novel. It ends the current scene and that makes it a perfect place to finish. Enjoy! Chris The Return Chapter 4 April 17, 10:53 AM Roger leaned his head against the back of the seat and rubbed his eyes. He was tired. He was always tired. Ever since the Rising had begun h...
0 3513
11/29/2011 9:27 PM
1 Replies and 2379 Views Happy Holidays!  2379  1 Started by  North For those who celebrate it - Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful I was able to pick 11 NFL games last week.  Sounds good huh There were over 123,000 people who did better than I did.
1 2379
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
11/24/2011 9:01 AM
8 Replies and 4182 Views Jolt  4182  8 Started by  BlitzKrieg39 While everyone is aware that almost every author who has ever written a DL book knows next to nothing about guns due to the too many to list errors since book one describing incorrect calibers/impossible chamberings one has pointed out the most impossible/incorrect thing about the series:Jolt.Jolt is an impossible drug to exist due to the simple fact that combining Heroin and Cocaine alone is a lethal cocktail.Adding Mescaline to the mix,as Jolt is always described as a mix of Cocaine/He...
8 4182
by  KerrickJump to last post
11/17/2011 9:41 AM
3 Replies and 3165 Views The Return - Chapter 3  3165  3 Started by  Outlanders I will post a couple more chapters and that's all folks. Chris The Return Chapter 3 April 17, 10:18 AM     Cold wing blew miniature snow devils between the debris filled aisles of the Safeway.  Some drifts of the cold snow were already nearly a foot deep in some locations near the smashed out windows of the grocery store as the trio of survivors carefully stepped over the broken glass.     The darkness was nearly absolute only ten or fifteen feet into the interior and already Mik...
3 3165
by  OutlandersJump to last post
11/11/2011 12:28 PM
3 Replies and 2575 Views The Return: Chapter 2  2575  3 Started by  Outlanders Again, this hasn't had it's first edit, so there going to be mistakes. Otherwise, enjoy. Ron, I saved it as RTF and then opened it using word pad and cut and paste from there. I hope that will fix any issues. Chris The Return Chapter 2 April 17, 9:59 AM The sound of Harold’s voice caused the Shepherd to lock its eyes on the small man. The dog’s blue eyes narrowed and if it was at all possible, the growl deepened. “No one makes any sudden moves,” Eric whispered, just loud enoug...
3 2575
by  KerrickJump to last post
11/8/2011 7:46 PM
8 Replies and 3699 Views Some of my graphics (Nudity Warning)  3699  8 Started by  ShadowTek Hi, Im a fan of Poser, its a image program.. Anyway here are some of the images I made, note on my now defunct website, My mascot was a Drow Elf named Akordia, she was a 19 year old evil elf.. these are but a few of the hundreds of images I made on my old site.
8 3699
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
11/8/2011 5:27 PM
17 Replies and 3454 Views In action  3454  17 Started by  )3az )3aziah In view of my recent uploads of a few photo's of me doing stuff I enjoy, why don't we all add at least 1 photo of ourselves doing something we enjoy here REMEMBER THIS IS A FAMILY FORUM AND I'M NOTTALKING ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING You don't have to show your face if you don't want to -I didn't 'cos I'm scary to look at
17 3454
by  OutlandersJump to last post
10/23/2011 12:56 PM
15 Replies and 3733 Views Chapter 1 of 'The Return'  3733  15 Started by  Outlanders I completed my first novel of a horror survival trilogy back in February. I'm currently waiting for Permuted Press to begin taking submissions once again and I'm really hoping that they'll be interested in picking it up. Hell, I've already posted two very rough draft chapters from that first novel on these very forums. But I figured, what the hell, I might as well post the first chapter of my sequel novel called 'The Return' here. This is a rough draft, it hasn't even had a firs...
15 3733
by  mikeclrJump to last post
10/21/2011 7:02 AM
2 Replies and 2855 Views Outlanders VS Dethlanders  2855  2 Started by  ShadowTek Ok, as I now have a few Outlander GA books (though I haven't listened to them yet) Out of curiosity, who would win in a fight.. Ryan and Co. Vs Outlander main guys (Note I'm not familiar with the outlander cast yet.)
2 2855
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
10/16/2011 3:22 PM
7 Replies and 6007 Views Gold Eagle Books  6007  7 Started by  ShadowTek Hi, OK Ive read a few posts here, some by authors, am I right in guessing that the authors don't like Gold Eagle I don't buy the books, just the GA but out of curiosity,  why do the authors dislike GA Did they take too much control away from them or something Were they too controlling  I'm just wondering why they seem to hate the company they wrote for I don't know anything about GA but find this weird little fact kinda strange, am I missing something  Sorry if I'm hitting a nerve or so...
7 6007
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/1/2011 8:40 PM
8 Replies and 2614 Views I cant wait...  2614  8 Started by  ShadowTek I cant wait til I am at the trusted level to where my posts show up as I post them, I say this as its rare that members are online at same time, but when they are a 'posting' conversation can take place, but that is hard to do until you get to trust level here, I spoke with Rod and I understand everything here, Im just saying, Im not a robot, and I think I proved Im not out to hurt the site, Im just here as a fan, but I get the saftey stuff, on that note, how many posts do we have to make til we...
8 2614
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
9/24/2011 2:30 PM
6 Replies and 3195 Views The Artists  3195  6 Started by  ShadowTek I gotta say that many of the Outlander covers are some really hot drawings of the female chrs in that series, does anyone know who the artist is, and if he has a site with the images without the cover title over the images
6 3195
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
9/21/2011 6:35 AM
37 Replies and 12327 Views Name the very worst DeathLands book ever in your opinion?  12327  37 Started by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
IMO 'Rat King' was just aweful to say the least.
37 12327
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
9/17/2011 1:55 AM
2 Replies and 2746 Views Favourite Post Apocolypse Films  2746  2 Started by  silentalbino With the Forthcoming Mad Max Remake i was wondering what other great Post Apocolyptic Film's where out there. I recently watched the great 'The Road' which was an absolutley amazing film if somewhat depressing.
2 2746
by  Sin-EaterJump to last post
8/29/2011 6:36 PM
1 Replies and 2563 Views Playfiar Axiom  2563  1 Started by  cathboy Can anyone tell me why this book is retailing for so much. $100.00 plus. Does anyone know where I can get a new or good used copy
1 2563
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
8/28/2011 6:05 PM
3 Replies and 2568 Views New Group Aimed At All DeathLands Fans Is Up?  2568  3 Started by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON A new group is up titled:'What If You Were In DeathLands'It might interest ppl more so than speciality groups like the ones already in existence dedicated to more specific and narrower topics
3 2568
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
8/28/2011 6:01 PM
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