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8 Replies and 4330 Views Favorite post-apoc series?  4330  8 Started by  Saxon1974 Hello,I have been reading the Deathlands series and enjoying them quite a bit. I have heard of these other series listed below but not read any of them.How would you all rate them compared to the Deathlands books Which is your favorite and why SurvivalistDooms Day WarriorEndworldIm considering trying one of them but not sure which to start with.
8 4330
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
8/25/2011 4:37 AM
18 Replies and 8073 Views Info on a SKS  8073  18 Started by  Diablo Knowing there are allot of ppl here that know more about guns than I do.I have a SKS now,it was in a storage unit I bought in GA,at first I thought it was an AK-47 but on the barrel it said 'SKS 7.62'.So if anyone knows anything about them hook a brother up.......
18 8073
by  JettaManDanJump to last post
7/12/2011 1:52 PM
3 Replies and 3551 Views PostApocalyptica  3551  3 Started by  Ron Miles So, after finishing giving the site a face lift I also made the decision to commit to a weekly blog. I am calling it PostApocalyptica, and it will be dedicated to the apocalyptic genre in film, television, and literature as well as subjects related to Gold Eagle and to writing in general (which I think is kind of hysterical since I am *not* a writer...). Each new entry will go up at 9am Eastern Time on Monday mornings. Tonight I also added a logo for the blog, which is just all kinds of aweso...
3 3551
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
6/28/2011 6:46 PM
0 Replies and 3860 Views Dr Who -sad news  3860  0 Started by  )3az )3aziah I was saddened to hear last night that the first woman I ever fancied had died at the age of 63. Elisabeth Sladen who played Sarah Jane died after a battle with cancer yesterday morning I never like dwhat they did with the New doctor series but I did make a point of watching those shows with her in.
0 3860
4/20/2011 4:40 AM
1 Replies and 2586 Views Data Entry  2586  1 Started by  Ron Miles So, 'The Books' section of this site supports the inclusion of all of the Graphic Audio editions, as well as Kindle editions, but I have never managed to catch up on that data entry. I don't anticipate having any time to do it certainly in the next six months. Is there anyone who might be interested in helping me catch up with the process of tedious research and data entry
1 2586
by  KerrickJump to last post
3/31/2011 11:27 AM
4 Replies and 3460 Views Help with a DeathLands Article  3460  4 Started by  TuefelHundenIV Greetings folks.  I have wondered over from a nother site to ask for some help with an article on said site about DeathLands.  I am posting in general because I was unsure where to place it. The site in question is The site is dedicated to catalouging both media and the various methods and tools of telling stories. I have started the article on the site for the DeathLands series. I have only read the first book to date and would like some help fleshing out the works pa...
4 3460
by  TuefelHundenIVJump to last post
3/2/2011 8:34 PM
14 Replies and 5004 Views How unique is the alxlerverse books?  5004  14 Started by  jbc Are there other book series that are similar to the axlerverse books or are these unique
14 5004
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
2/15/2011 10:10 PM
1 Replies and 2374 Views Thank you, Ron.  2374  1 Started by  Wordsmith-reprise As the year winds down, I'd like to express my gratitude and appreciation for all the hard work and effort that Ron undertakes to keep this site up and running, and current. You do a magnificent job. Ron, I salute you. Thank you so much. Cathy
1 2374
by  Jeff SichtaJump to last post
2/15/2011 9:50 PM
5 Replies and 3211 Views Jumping-on point / new reader guides  3211  5 Started by  raphaelt Hi everyone, I have been aware of the Deathlands and Outlanders series for a few months now, and am very interested in taking the plunge into the series, however the sheer volume of books makes the concept a little daunting. Can anyone give me advice about where to start with either or both of these series I was hoping that one of the currently in-print installments would make a good jumping-on point for a new reader. I would prefer not to start with tracking down used copies of the early...
5 3211
by  Jeff SichtaJump to last post
2/15/2011 9:49 PM
3 Replies and 3101 Views B Movies  3101  3 Started by  Melian I am sure everyone has seen at least one B movie. If you have seen the Deathlands movie I am sure that would classify! I am not sure if all people get a kick out of a bad movie now and again but I know I do. Sometime I will get together with some friends and we will just make fun of them. The space channel (in Canada, I am not sure what it is called in the states) generally has some funny ones on the weekend! So my question to everyone is:  a. Do you enjoy watching B movies b. If so, ...
3 3101
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
2/13/2011 4:15 PM
32 Replies and 8788 Views What are your biggest pet peeves concerning the DeathLands series?  8788  32 Started by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Mine are the clothing,(lack of change or any addition too)The weaponry (very outdated gear and poor choices)The lack of an overall plot.(such as what the hell are they doing/looking for)The lack of any new characters being added to the group,like Mildred and Michael Brother,or even JakThe amount of times the group is captured and loses all their weapons,but yet always gets free and recovers them.The fact that the series has strayed so far from the original vision of Jack Adrian and Laurence Jam...
32 8788
by  Wallace DJump to last post
2/1/2011 7:33 PM
1 Replies and 2749 Views Happy Christmas  2749  1 Started by  )3az )3aziah I wish the above to everyone, and dont care one bit if it is not considered P.C to do so these days. I am who I am, SO regardless of your religious preference, or lack of any, I want everyone to recieve my message in the same spirit that it was sent. I also ask eveyone to remember those Men and Women who are fighting for our safety out there in the world at this time. Many of them are far from their homes and loved ones during this and every holiday so that we can enjoy our...
1 2749
by  The PhantomJump to last post
12/24/2010 11:47 PM
0 Replies and 3461 Views Thanksgiving  3461  0 Started by  )3az )3aziah Have a happy and good one you folks on the other side of the pond.
0 3461
11/25/2010 1:29 PM
2 Replies and 3462 Views Anyone know anything about this?  3462  2 Started by  )3az )3aziah HERE I found it on Amazon UK
2 3462
by  NorthJump to last post
11/12/2010 1:27 PM
3 Replies and 3713 Views Cryptozoica Review  3713  3 Started by  Outlanders It was quite the sad day for me and many others who’ve been fans of Mark Ellis’s Outlanders series when he turned in his final manuscript and left the company as well as the series behind. But the reality of the situation was that Mark had been writing that series for over 14 years and after that long, burnout was inevitable. That’s why it was such great news when Mark started up his own publishing company, one where he would have 100 creative control over all his cre...
3 3713
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
11/11/2010 10:47 AM
0 Replies and 3973 Views Hey look! It's the *real* Totality Concept!  3973  0 Started by  Kerrick This is a rather long article, but it's well worth reading. Very sobering, and very disturbing.
0 3973
7/20/2010 1:49 AM
6 Replies and 3090 Views Work that is being published  3090  6 Started by  Outlanders Been a while since I posted, so I figured I'd let people know that I do have a lot of projects in the pipe, one already picked up and to be published in the next few months, with three more soon to follow.So I've been quite creative and even though the work isn't actual novels, it's still making money for me. Shame that these only sell a few hundred  (at best) copies per title. It's not like we're talking D&D here. Anyhow, here are the details:Meatco: An adventure for the Mutant Future RPG. This...
6 3090
by  Jax2Jump to last post
6/19/2010 10:34 PM
10 Replies and 4072 Views deleted postings  4072  10 Started by  Harry Whittleberry 2 why was my post removed from the board. i think it was a valid topic as many people have had problems with members here and it would be good to see who the members here thort were the cause of the not happy
10 4072
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
6/18/2010 2:39 PM
2 Replies and 3458 Views Name the order of Outlanders characters favorite to least favorite?  3458  2 Started by  mikeclr 1-Kane 2-Brigid 3-Grant 4-Domi 5-Shizuka 6-Lakesh 7-Sindri 8-Thrush 9-Salvo 10-Enlil
2 3458
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
5/27/2010 10:42 AM
11 Replies and 3977 Views Name your 5 favorite DeathLands books in order  3977  11 Started by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON My favorite 5 DL books are1Pilgrimage to hell.2 Chill Factor3 Rider Reaper4 Road Wars5 Trader Redux
11 3977
by  RYAN'S BASTARD SONJump to last post
5/26/2010 9:04 PM
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