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24 Replies and 8915 Views The four-man group from Awakening and Successors  8915  24 Started by  Jeff Sichta
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
After reading the Outlanders books 'Awakening' and 'Successors', I rather liked the four characters who were dethawed a la 'Morrow Project', and was wondering if they appeared in any other Outlanders titles
24 8915
by  TomJump to last post
7/14/2011 9:34 PM
44 Replies and 16603 Views Outlanders 57 - Scarlet Dream    16603  44 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 57 - Scarlet Dream The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
44 16603
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
7/9/2011 5:09 PM
3 Replies and 3589 Views What is considered canon and non-canon by fans?  3589  3 Started by  Agent_Thrush So after browsing through the thread about Scarlet Dream, I noticed a comment by someone who said they weren't reading the book because it wasn't in the official canon. That got me wondering. Why isn't it in the 'canon' And who's canon are we going by, exactly Are we basing what is canon and non-canon by the fact there's everything Mark has written and everything everyone else has written I honestly figured the entire series was canon.
3 3589
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
6/28/2011 10:37 AM
0 Replies and 3920 Views Outlanders 59 - Infestation Cubed  3920  0 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 59 - Infestation Cubed The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
0 3920
5/1/2011 11:29 AM
2 Replies and 4019 Views In 1945 the Nazi's didn't just go to Antarctic...  4019  2 Started by  )3az )3aziah coming in 2012
2 4019
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
3/8/2011 5:54 AM
6 Replies and 3346 Views How Omega Path ended  3346  6 Started by  Jeff Sichta Just finished 'Omega Path', and at the end Kane and Baptiste basically kiss each other on New Year's Eve.  The way is clear to return to their own time, but did they stick around in the early 21st century for awhile  And whatever became of Salvo  Have they followed up with him in subsequent titles
6 3346
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
2/18/2011 11:59 PM
0 Replies and 4121 Views Axler author featured in current Clone Wars magazine  4121  0 Started by  Ron Miles For anyone interested, the current issue of Star Wars: The Clone Wars now on the stands (cover image and blurb available here) features stories written by Rik Hoskin, the current primary author for the Outlanders series.  He has actually written six of the first thirteen issues of the Clone Wars magazine, which is a reprint of comic strips originally run in the U.K. Enjoy!
0 4121
12/16/2010 9:45 AM
0 Replies and 4137 Views For UK Readers - Free comic this weekend by James Axler author  4137  0 Started by  Ron Miles I know there are several readers of this site who reside in the UK - I just thought you might be interested to know that the Sunday Mirror this weekend will include a free Star Wars: Clone Wars comic book written by Rik Hoskin.  Rik is the current primary author for the Outlanders series, and has also written for several comics both in the UK and the States. For more information, check out:
0 4137
11/12/2010 8:03 PM
3 Replies and 4625 Views Who is the best bad guy in the OL novels?  4625  3 Started by  HellHound I personally think that Colonel C.W. Thrush is the best of the Cerberus gangs enemies. His character is evil personified. Still other villains through out the novels have been very well written. So please tell me who the best of the bad is and why.
3 4625
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
10/8/2010 12:13 PM
0 Replies and 3343 Views Merch  3343  0 Started by  North So, in re Oblivion Stone, I want to know who made Bridgid's belt buckle with the Outlanders logo.  I want one!  And add a cap.
0 3343
10/6/2010 2:33 PM
2 Replies and 3649 Views Outlanders 53 - Infinity Breach  3649  2 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 53 - Infinity Breach The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
2 3649
by  avdude2Jump to last post
8/16/2010 1:33 PM
2 Replies and 4244 Views Outlanders 54 - Oblivion Stone  4244  2 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 54 - Oblivion Stone The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
2 4244
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
5/11/2010 3:37 PM
0 Replies and 3784 Views Outlanders 55 - Distortion Offensive  3784  0 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 55 - Distortion Offensive The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
0 3784
5/1/2010 9:03 AM
16 Replies and 5507 Views Outlanders 50 - Janus Trap  5507  16 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 50 - Janus Trap The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
16 5507
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
3/16/2010 9:41 AM
0 Replies and 5152 Views Current Outlanders writer Rik Hoskin writes Superman  5152  0 Started by  Ron Miles Some news of interest for Axler fans and comic book fans: Rik Hoskin, one of the current 'James Axler' writers, has written his first Superman comic strip for DC Comics, USA.  The ten-page Superman story sees print on March 17 in Superman 80-page Giant 1, and will be available from comic book stores. Rik is a current contributor to both James Axler's Outlanders and Deathlands series.  He's also well-known as a comic strip writer in the UK,...
0 5152
3/9/2010 1:35 PM
10 Replies and 7799 Views Outlanders 51 - Warlord of the Pit  7799  10 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 51 - Warlord of the Pit The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
10 7799
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
11/27/2009 10:38 PM
6 Replies and 5214 Views Nosferatu: Plague of Terror--  5214  6 Started by  Jax2 --is now available for sale from in time for Halloween. If you're underwhelmed by the current crop of preening male models who pass as vampires, then the 130 page Nosferatu: Plague of Terror graphic novel is right up your catacomb. He's the real a vampiric sense. won't catch the Nosferatu's thoroughly undead ass at a prom.
6 5214
by  Jax2Jump to last post
10/18/2009 4:05 PM
17 Replies and 3918 Views Weird Westerns?  3918  17 Started by  Raboy Hey Mark--whats the story about those 'Weird Westerns' graphic novels you posted about on your Comic related forum They look cool...
17 3918
by  Jax2Jump to last post
9/21/2009 8:37 AM
4 Replies and 3399 Views Outlanders 52 - Reality Echo  3399  4 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 52 - Reality Echo The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
4 3399
by  Llew32Jump to last post
9/7/2009 12:14 PM
0 Replies and 3603 Views Cerberus Origin  3603  0 Started by  Ron Miles
0 3603
9/1/2009 9:57 AM
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