1 Replies and 9499 Views
The Happening review 9499 1
Started by Outlanders
For years I’ve been telling my friends and family about a belief I’ve had ever since I was in grade school.
It goes like this – something is going to happen in my lifetime. Something that is going to cull the herd, so to speak, something that is going to change life as we know it forever.
Frankly, there are too many of us on this planet, and one of two things has to happen or we face extinction.&160;We have to get off world, expand into space, or the population has to be reduc...
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by Melian 4/7/2013 11:08 PM |
0 Replies and 5001 Views
Carry The Flame 5001 0
Started by Maximus
Just finished reading the sequel to last years end-of-the-world new series titled - Burn Down The Sky.
In Carry The Flame, the stakes are higher and even more dangerous. The total shock and awe value of this one even transcended some of the worst scenarios in any DL or OL. Major creep factor with everything from giant komodo dragons to insane crazed prisoners of a hardcase prison facility.
James Jaros's Carry the Flame is well worth the read.
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8/16/2012 5:58 PM |
18 Replies and 6641 Views
A Game of Thrones 6641 18
Started by silentalbino
Has anybody else been watching or reading this. T'is amazing.
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by mikeclr 7/13/2012 3:03 PM |
1 Replies and 5667 Views
2012: The war for Souls review 5667 1
Started by Outlanders
For time untold people have wondered what waits beyond death. Do we simply cease to exist All our experiences, our knowledge, hopes dreams, regrets, do they vanish into nothingness
Or do we move on to another plane of existence
We believe, right or wrong, that because we are self aware, that we can think and interact with the world and others, that we have an immortal soul.
Just what exactly is the soul anyhow No one really can answer that. You ask a hundred differ...
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by Jake Corbett 5/27/2012 5:07 PM |
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by Ron Miles 12/22/2011 8:25 AM |
3 Replies and 6977 Views
Go go girls of the Apocalypse 6977 3
Started by Outlanders
Go Go Girls of the Apocalypes is a novel that is filled with the vast majority of post nuclear clich&233;s that ran rampant during the 80’s.
The funny thing is, it’s all the good (if there is such a beast) clich&233;s, not the post nuclear male fantasy crap that was so prevalent.
There were no strange mutants, no bizarre powers, no super science, nothing at all like that.
There wasn’t even one sick, fat, sexually depraved would be world ruler.
That f...
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by silentalbino 9/24/2011 12:46 PM |
4 Replies and 6534 Views
The Book Of Eli 6534 4
Started by captainbasil
Just rented The Book Of Eli . Great film. It's Deathlands,pure and simple. Hey they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
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by silentalbino 8/28/2011 6:00 PM |
0 Replies and 6179 Views
Blackjack Justice 6179 0
Started by captainbasil
Calling all commuters. If you're a fan of vintage radio drama or some of the new audio dramas that have come out you may enjoy a program from Decoder Ring Theater called Blackjack Justice. It's in the spirit of a vintage Private Eye radio show. While it has lots of humor it's not a spoof in any way. Drop by http://decoderringtheatre.com/ and give it a try. Drop them a few bucks if you can.
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3/18/2010 9:45 AM |
2 Replies and 7200 Views
Star Trek: Outpost (Audio Drama) Review 7200 2
Started by captainbasil
Compared to many of my friends I'm only a casual Star Trek fan. I collect radio drama and I stumbled upon the Giant Gnome Productions web site while researching an old show from the 40's. I downloaded the first episode to listen to on my work commute. I am hooked. The series is almost a grittier version of Deep Space Nine. So far so good.
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by captainbasil 2/1/2010 7:59 AM |
11 Replies and 7301 Views
Justice Machine Review 7301 11
Started by Outlanders
I’ll dispense with my typical long winded review and just get to the heart of the matter.
I’ve recently finished reading The New Justice Machine: High Gear Edition Volume one, by Mark Ellis, Darryl Banks, Mike Gustovich, Adam Hughes, Rik Levins and Melissa Martin-Ellis.
Now, I have to say until I met Mark, I didn’t really know about the Justice Machine – Of course I knew all about the major superhero teams like the Avengers, JLA etc… but never heard of the Justice Machine.
I guess i...
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by Cerberus Man 10/2/2009 7:46 AM |
0 Replies and 6125 Views
fallout 3 deathlands mod? 6125 0
Started by klausekilski
I'm sure it would be a hit...if it existed.
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3/31/2009 12:33 AM |
0 Replies and 5671 Views
Watchmen review 5671 0
Started by Outlanders
Last night I was one of the lucky ones to get a chance to see the premier of the highly anticipated movie ‘The Watchmen’
Was I blown away No.
Did I think it was the best movie I’ve ever seen Nope.&160;
Did I think it was better than Dark Knight Not a chance in hell.
Did I enjoy it Hell yeah!
For me, as seems to be the case, I went into the theater having next to no knowledge about the original Graphic Novel. See, I never read it. Ever, an...
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by Outlanders 3/5/2009 11:28 PM |
5 Replies and 6034 Views
Miskatonic Project Review 6034 5
Started by Outlanders
Few people can deny the impact that H.P. Lovecraft’s work has had on modern horror. The influence can be felt in many movies, books, and television.
Even the monsters and creatures that you see depicted in many popular franchises have been influenced by his work (Geiger’s Alien, for example).
Although, I have to admit that many of the movies I have seen that were based on his work were less than stellar. It’s a pity, since many of the stories are quite intriguing.
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by Daniel 12/15/2008 9:41 AM |
1 Replies and 5598 Views
Jack: The secret histories review 5598 1
Started by Outlanders
Repairman Jack is one of the most intriguing fictional characters in modern literature today.
He’s a literal urban mercenary, who takes repair jobs that need to be kept hush hush, or deal with things that are against the law.
Things that people don’t want to have the police or other officials involved with.
Even though he’s a mercenary for hire, he’s still a very ethical and righteous man – even if he is what amounts to a career criminal.
Jack was crea...
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by Cerberus Man 12/8/2008 12:53 PM |
0 Replies and 5909 Views
Wheel of Darkness review 5909 0
Started by Outlanders
Wheel of Darkness is the latest collaboration between two exceptional authors, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child – a duo that I’ve been following since their third novel, Mount Dragon.
The novel centers on Agent Pendergast, Preston and Child’s main protagonist, who’s been in almost all of the novels written by these two excellent authors.
Before I continue, this review will not contain any spoilers other than what you can garner from reading the back cover of the novel....
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by Outlanders 11/22/2008 9:25 PM |
2 Replies and 5739 Views
Dead Space review 5739 2
Started by Outlanders
Dead Space is a game of pure horror with a distinctive Lovecraft feel to it.
Set far into the future, it is all about the fate of a massive mining ship, a planet cracker, called the Ishimura, has gone silent.
Isaac Clarke is an engineer, part of a small team of trouble shooters sent to find out exactly what has happened to the ship, and to render assistance if needed.
Of course when they arrive in system and find the ship literally dead in space, no running lig...
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by Outlanders 11/3/2008 9:04 AM |
0 Replies and 5527 Views
Quarantine Review 5527 0
Started by Outlanders
Quarantine was a pretty good horror movie, all things considered.
However, I spent a good portion of the movie staring at the floor. No, not because I was scared – it was because of the way it was filmed.
Just like Cloverfield.
Hand held camera – for those of you who are like me and prone to motion sickness, I got quite ill about thirty minutes into the movie.
I even had to leave the theater a couple of times for a few minutes to catch my breath and wait for t...
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by Outlanders 10/13/2008 9:42 PM |
0 Replies and 5959 Views
Igor review 5959 0
Started by Outlanders
I’ve been a fan of animated movies since I was a child. Then again, there are a great deal of adults who are just like me.
We never really grew up.
We enjoy animated movies, be it traditional cell animation or the more current computer animation.
Over the past decade, there have been several that I loved. Shrek and Madagascar being the ones at the forefront of this pack, followed by several Pixar movies (Incredibles), and a few others.
Even Disney had ...
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by Outlanders 10/13/2008 9:02 PM |
0 Replies and 5681 Views
Scavenger Review 5681 0
Started by Outlanders
Video games are a major industry today. Well, that’s a bit of an understatement when it comes right down to it. When you’re talking multiple billions in dollars spent on games and machines, that’s not a major player… that’s a major power.
And with the games comes the problem of addiction, obesity, poor grades, you name it.&160;Although there are many casual gamers, such as myself, who know when to shut the machines down and do housework, go outside, hang with the family, etc.
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by Outlanders 10/1/2008 10:01 PM |
0 Replies and 5601 Views
Bangkok Dangerous review 5601 0
Started by Outlanders
Ok, anyone reading this review who hasn’t seen Hong Kong action movies, stop reading right now and go out and rent some from your local video store.
I first discovered Hong Kong action cinema when I was living in the Philippines, almost twenty years ago, back in 1990.
Sure, the eighties in North America gave birth to some of the greatest action movies of all time, some that are yet to be surpassed today, but the Hong Kong action cinema was in a league of its own.
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by Outlanders 9/30/2008 9:44 PM |