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8 Replies and 3450 Views None DL related Fan Fiction  3450  8 Started by  )3az )3aziah I found this on an old CD back up disc from quite a few years back. It was the start of the serialisation of our post holocaust RPG campaign using the FGU rules system AFTERMATH! and the 'Operation Morpheus / Sydney' campaign pack. Its not complete but now I remeber it I may just start to add to it once more. Please let me know what you think of it.
8 3450
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
8/21/2009 2:15 PM
32 Replies and 8899 Views Awesome site!  8899  32 Started by  Dewey Cox
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
This website totally rocks!&160; The guy who runs it must be an absolute genius! Aw, who am I kidding.&160; This is just Lokheed posting under a test alias to make sure everything is working properly in the new form.&160; Carry on.
32 8899
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
8/11/2009 4:40 PM
55 Replies and 10480 Views Starting a new Weapons Group?  10480  55 Started by  Bury The Sun
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Hi Ron, I realize that I am very new to your site and I probably owe you alot for making/ keeping it so awesome... so thank you! I was thinking that a group for us 'gun nuts' to hang out and shoot the breeze (terrible pun, I know) would be pretty cool... there seems to be quite a few gun lovers around here and to be honest, you don't win a race by beating a dead horse, so an endless discussion of the Companions weapons or how Traders Armalite shoots 9mm isn't going to give us any additional I.Q....
55 10480
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
8/11/2009 1:56 AM
6 Replies and 2698 Views After 5 months...  2698  6 Started by  Outlanders After five months of training 3-4 times a week with my son, an average of 90 minutes each day, I got my yellow belt in Shaolin Kung fu.Damn, it's addicting!  My son has his green belt now, and we're both well on our way to getting our black in about 5 years or so.That is all, thank you. Chris
6 2698
by  OutlandersJump to last post
8/6/2009 11:04 PM
1 Replies and 3151 Views Battlestar and Trek  3151  1 Started by  )3az )3aziah UrbanSavage wrote: I totally agree. Loved hating Starbuck for the entire series run.  They had some seriously evil characters in that series.  Tory and  John being foremost in my mind. Dean Stockwell was brilliant.  Caprica pilot aired here as a 2 hour movie on the space channel.  Try one of the Torrent sites if that floats your boat.  Had a tough time sitting through it, moved very slow if you ask me.  Once you get a chance to see it let me know what you think.  The Raiders were so well ...
1 3151
by  UrbanSavageJump to last post
7/21/2009 10:27 PM
0 Replies and 3811 Views Topic Moved  3811  0 Started by  )3az )3aziah Moved by Me to Forum Support...
0 3811
7/20/2009 12:53 PM
2 Replies and 3068 Views Mantis Moon Base  3068  2 Started by  jbc Which book(s) and series featured the evacuation of reguees from the Mantis Moon base
2 3068
by  Jax2Jump to last post
7/10/2009 2:58 PM
6 Replies and 3344 Views How to set your avatar and signature  3344  6 Started by  Ron Miles To set your avatar, your signature, and other settings like that, just click on the icon at the top of the forum that looks like a gear.&160; That will take you to the user settings screen, where you can configure to your heart's content.&160; I've got it all working now, at least as near as I can tell.&160; As always, please let me know if you encounter any problems.
6 3344
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
6/26/2009 3:47 AM
3 Replies and 2670 Views Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen  2670  3 Started by  Outlanders Just FYI...The movie was freaking great! I really liked the first one, but this is one of those rare sequels that surpassed the first.My boy and I loved it!Chris
3 2670
by  BKSFLDR8RMANJump to last post
6/25/2009 3:26 PM
0 Replies and 3361 Views Chat Room  3361  0 Started by  Ron Miles I have lost track of the thread where this came up in, but I wanted to let you all know that I have not abandoned upgrading the chat room. Some of you have offered to contribute to the upgrade cost, and I will make a PayPal account available for this purpose in the next week. My apologies for the long silence, to say I have been buried with work the past few weeks would be a gross understatement. I have been working 100 work weeks trying to complete a software project, and it has consumed ...
0 3361
6/17/2009 8:18 AM
39 Replies and 9020 Views The eternal debate of which is better...    9020  39 Started by  Outlanders
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Ok, regarding the whole – Deathlands Vs. Outlanders issue that’s been going on for quite literally years now… it’s high time it stops.   There will always be people who prefer one compared to the other for various reasons.   I’ve made it very clear over the years my reasons for liking Outlanders over Deathlands, and I’m not about to restate these yet again.   The term ‘whipping a dead horse’ comes to mind here.   Bringing it up will do nothing but cause flame wars and hard feelings betw...
39 9020
by  RaboyJump to last post
5/16/2009 1:11 PM
0 Replies and 3984 Views Calgary 2009 Comic Expo  3984  0 Started by  Outlanders Gary, Rose and I went to the convention this year. This is the fourth anniversary of this convention and I have to say that it keeps getting bigger every year.So this year we really splurged. Hell, I dropped nearly $300 on Saturday. But it was money well spent. Rose and I got our photo with Edward James Olmos, while Gary and I got our photo with James Kyson Lee (AKA Ando from Heroes) and Ray Park (Darth Maul, the Toad, the Headless Horseman and Snake-eyes in the impending GI Joe movie)The amount...
0 3984
4/30/2009 2:04 PM
6 Replies and 2947 Views Anybody playing Fallout 3?  2947  6 Started by  roadbum I haven't visited this site in quite awhile so maybe this topic has been covered. I've been playing Bethesda's new video game Fallout 3, if the Deathland series could be visual it would be Fallout 3. Although there arn't any 'stickies' or 'stingwings' there are rad-sick 'mutie' bastards, and radiation altered animals and other various creatures. There are mods that add or change elements of the game, you can even add an eyepatch to your male character, sound like anyone we know! Well that's all ...
6 2947
by  OutlandersJump to last post
4/21/2009 7:40 PM
1 Replies and 2507 Views New Mark Ellis books added to the site  2507  1 Started by  Ron Miles H.P. Lovecraft's Miskatonic Project: Bride of Dagon The New Justice Machine - High Gear Edition Volume One Enjoy!
1 2507
by  RaboyJump to last post
4/18/2009 10:01 AM
0 Replies and 5646 Views New cover images posted  5646  0 Started by  Ron Miles New cover images for Deathlands - Alpha Wave and Rogue Angel - Footprints have been posted, courtesy of our very own Outlanders a.k.a. Chris.
0 5646
4/4/2009 5:33 AM
1 Replies and 2535 Views Welcome back  2535  1 Started by  Ron Miles Welcome back!  Did you miss us
1 2535
by  Millennial ManJump to last post
4/2/2009 12:34 AM
2 Replies and 2664 Views Farewell Lorne  2664  2 Started by  Ron Miles This really saddens me.  Andy Hallett, best known for playing the green demon Lorne on Angel has passed away at the age of 33 from heart failure.  Apparently he had been battling heart disease for five years.  How very sad, my heart goes out to his friends and family.
2 2664
by  ShmoobyJump to last post
3/31/2009 8:45 PM
0 Replies and 3539 Views Quote Functionality Fixed  3539  0 Started by  Ron Miles The quote functionality has been fixed, and I found out how to swap out the text editor for a better one. The quote fix works for all new posts, and also any posts that I go in and edit.  I'll work on getting that caught up over the weekend. Enjoy!
0 3539
3/25/2009 2:36 PM
13 Replies and 4385 Views Active Social comes to  4385  13 Started by  Ron Miles Hello all. If you are a regular visitor you may have noticed that the forums look a little different and there are some new options in the site navigation. This is the result of our upgrade to Active Social, courtesy of the fine folks at Active Modules and the Orlando DotNetNuke User's Group. I still have quite a bit of tweaking to do, but please take a look around and let me know what you think. If you are a registered user, you have the ability to create your own groups (much like a Face...
13 4385
by  SkaramineJump to last post
3/24/2009 11:50 PM
4 Replies and 2600 Views Welcome to March  2600  4 Started by  Ron Miles Happy March to everyone!&160; I hoped you survived February ok.&160; For me, it was a bit of a trial.&160; Anyway, just checking in to let folks know the site is still alive and kicking.&160; I just walked through and updated the Amazon widget on the the home page to make sure the current books are all on display, and did a wee bit of maintenance in the various series forums. It's been kind of quiet around here lately.&160; How the heck is everyone
4 2600
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
3/13/2009 6:23 PM
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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.