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20 Replies and 12204 Views Deathlands 95 - Moonfeast  12204  20 Started by  Ron Miles
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This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 95 - Moonfeast The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
20 12204
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
4/4/2012 7:00 PM
4 Replies and 4046 Views Deathlands DH Audio Audio Cassettes  4046  4 Started by  RuleOfSixes Does anyone know just how many audiobooks where released from DH Audio (Durkin Hayes Pub Ltd) I am thinking there was 44 abridged books offered, but I am not sure. Also how many special editions where released I have seen two different ones offered (Containing 3 abridged stories on 6 cassettes.), but I have yet to purchase those. I thank you in advance for any information anyone can provide.
4 4046
by  mikeclrJump to last post
3/28/2012 11:49 AM
39 Replies and 15203 Views Deathlands Roleplaying Game?  15203  39 Started by  Milo Morai
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Hey all!  Does anyone know if there are conversions for a Deathlands Roleplaying Game  I'm thinking about tweeking Darwin's World.  Any suggestions  Any news about a real Deathlands RPG  Thanks.
39 15203
by  Harry Whittleberry 2Jump to last post
3/6/2012 4:36 PM
8 Replies and 2686 Views Im still here and alive, be back soon..  2686  8 Started by  ShadowTek Hi, sorry Ive been gone so long, Ive been on medical leave from my work so  haven't  been able to buy any new GA books.. But Im still here and apart of the community here, I just have a month or so and I'll be back in my truck buying new books and talking about them here.. Just wanted to stop in and say hi and let you know that I'll be back and that I love this site See you in a month! Unless I die in which case I'll still be back and post as a ghost lol.. See you soon....
8 2686
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
2/22/2012 3:47 PM
0 Replies and 3358 Views Deathlands 3d anaglyph (red/blue) picture  3358  0 Started by  mazinz This is a bit rough, but workable. For those of you who have a pair of 3d red/blue glasses, I made this (as in converted an already made picture to 3d) Red lens over your left eye:
0 3358
1/21/2012 8:57 PM
5 Replies and 5418 Views Question about the Music  5418  5 Started by  Hostarius Hey Guys, got a question about the Graphic Audio versions. One of the most powerful  parts of the adaption of Deathlands to me was the incorporation of music. It can enhance the mood and draws out the emotion of the situation. Does anyone know who composed the music and where can I buy it Particularly the soft guitar sections. There are two of these, usually played during a highly emotional scene reflecting on the pain of the Deathlands or as a precursor to a love scene. I've actually heard ...
5 5418
by  HostariusJump to last post
1/15/2012 5:28 PM
3 Replies and 5126 Views Where's Lonesome Gulch? (a thought experiment)  5126  3 Started by  Kerrick Before I start, I just want to say that this is strictly a 'because I'm bored' discussion - I don't think LJ ever had a location in mind when he created this town, so it's not likely we'll ever figure it out.   So... I'm reading Twilight Children. For those of you who haven't read it, the companions end up in in a strange gateway that seems to have been hastily thrown together. They exit into a cave that looks like it was recently carved from the living rock, and end up in a control room that...
3 5126
by  KerrickJump to last post
1/1/2012 5:18 PM
3 Replies and 5404 Views Possible Reason behind the horrible weather in Deathlands  5404  3 Started by  twinsrule26 Hello , I'm not a weather expert ,but I was wondering if the chem. storms and acid rain that plagues Deathlands is caused by burning oil fields ,like what we saw in Kuwait after the first Iraq war I think 100 years of oil well fires could go a long way to messing up the worlds weather . Anyone else have any Ideas on this
3 5404
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
12/13/2011 4:41 PM
27 Replies and 8181 Views And my collection rolls on  8181  27 Started by  ShadowTek
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OK, I now have the following graphic audio books: 1-12 (not listened to 1 or 12 yet as I just got them today) 17-19 (not listened to yet, I'm stocking up , but did listen to a bit of 17 when there in the space station) 21 32 (not listened to yet, I started to but stopped as it seems they went to japan in previous book and sounds important, so will hold off listening to it till I fill the gaps) I would kinda like to post my thoughts on each book I listen to here as this is the only commu...
27 8181
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/28/2011 9:42 PM
20 Replies and 6436 Views DEATHLANDS COVERS  6436  20 Started by  Harry Whittleberry 2
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do you think that the covers of the deathlands books shud be changed to something othe than ryans boot on each one. what shud they replace them with if they do.
20 6436
by  Harry Whittleberry 2Jump to last post
10/26/2011 4:47 AM
10 Replies and 5570 Views list your deathlands and the dark tower crossovers  5570  10 Started by  redbeard I know I'm not the only one who noticed this, but, there are a lot of crossovers from The Dark Tower books in Deathlands. Especially in 5 Homeward Bound. When the companions are in the war wag they pass by Roland standing alongside the road. Ryan's nephew Nathan Freeman borrows his name from the young man who took Odetta Holmes to the prom.  There are many more instances of this and every time I read or hear one i get a charge of excitement! What have any of you other readers noticed
10 5570
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/21/2011 4:31 PM
32 Replies and 13314 Views Is there a map?  13314  32 Started by  ShadowTek
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Is there a map of what the deathlands/outlanders world looks like If not that would be a cool thing to add or post. Like what the US looks like now with the missing areas (ie California is only a small state now, that sort of thing) as a world that two series are built on, each with massive numbers of books for.. that would be a cool thing I think..  Ideas could be the map showing where the gates are and that sort of thing.. and showing important places from the books. If this doest exist...
32 13314
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/21/2011 4:27 PM
3 Replies and 2134 Views Mr Shadowtek a question  2134  3 Started by  silentalbino Howdo shadowtek, quick question. Im looking to buy a graphic audio cd and knowing about ur vast knowledge of said product was wondering what would be the best one to start with
3 2134
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/21/2011 4:12 PM
9 Replies and 2930 Views Adding my reviews here.  2930  9 Started by  ShadowTek Ok, as I want to be a full productive member here, Ive added my first 12 reviews in the book reviews here, I still have 30 more to add, but.. well one step at a time lol I'll add my review of every book of both Deathlands and Outlanders as I go through them, though I have a week or two to catch up on my reviews vs what Ive heard so far, I'll try and do more tomorrow, I plan to review every single book Ive heard so far.. I hope you find my reviews helpful They are what I feel, Im not pa...
9 2930
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
10/16/2011 10:20 AM
1 Replies and 2138 Views 5 biggest BS things about Deathlands  2138  1 Started by  ShadowTek Ok post your 5 biggest bullshit or disappointing things about the Deathlands.. note Im not talking about the reality thing.. I mean in the books.. taking everything in the books as a world.. if that makes sense..  you can include things in this vain that you wish would happen that there ignoring.. like my example below.. Mine are: 1. Mildred.. BS hard to buy.. OK get this shes: a. The second best shooter in the world.. The pre-dark world b. Shes a cryo doc.. ok, but she can do surgery ...
1 2138
by  KerrickJump to last post
10/16/2011 9:54 AM
0 Replies and 3107 Views List your top 5 Deathland books  3107  0 Started by  ShadowTek OK for me in order.. 1. Blood Harvest 2. Nightmare Passage 3. Mars Arena 4. Stoneface 5. Demons of Eden
0 3107
10/15/2011 7:42 PM
23 Replies and 6910 Views Cristy vs Mildred  6910  23 Started by  ShadowTek
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Ok, in a fight to the death, who do you think would win Cristy vs Mildred.. Cristy a mutie and gia(sp) power, and sight, vs the best shooter in the deathlands.. say they start 1 mile apart in a jungle.. (as the scenario is important) who would win..
23 6910
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
10/12/2011 12:08 PM
16 Replies and 3513 Views Screamwings  3513  16 Started by  silentalbino Fellow Axlerites, what is the best book dealing with screamwings I know Playfair axion deals with them alot but i dont have a copy and it is currently £20 on amazon!
16 3513
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
10/10/2011 2:26 PM
13 Replies and 4034 Views Bloodlines  4034  13 Started by  ShadowTek Now this was a awesome book!! Vampires  (well sort of) but was it me or was it painfully obvious that they were vampires Wow it took them along time to piece that one together  I was disappointed though at the end of the book, one of them got through and jumped with them in the matt-trans, and in the next book, he just died (after trying to choke Ryan) I was hoping it would have been a little more interesting then that, would have been cool if he had gotten away and been a long term enemy..
13 4034
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/8/2011 1:07 PM
6 Replies and 2412 Views Jak vs J,B, Dix  2412  6 Started by  ShadowTek Ok, Jak is the best hand to hand fighter in deathlands, JB Dix is the best weapons expert in the deathlands.. The scenario.. one mile apart in a jungle, who kills who, In your opinion Yes I like posting scenarios like this  As Im curious what you guys think about it..
6 2412
by  ShadowTekJump to last post
10/7/2011 7:48 PM
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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.