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3 Replies and 2368 Views Deathlands  2368  3 Started by  silentalbino Before I start this is a genuine question not wanting to start any wars or such. DOES anyone believe that Deathlands was stunted by the Outlanders Books. In this I mean that Deathlands was limited as to its future because Outlanders was bolted onto it. as we all know Mark Ellis meant this to be a seperate entity but the powers that be wanted a Deathlands mark II, so it was added with a bit of tweaking. As i've said all RESPECT to Mr Ellis.
3 2368
by  KerrickJump to last post
6/18/2012 2:46 AM
110 Replies and 23888 Views A Few Small Question about the Series.  23888  110 Started by  twinsrule26
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
Hello ,I thought I'd start this thread to ask small questions about the series. My first Question is ;  In one of the earlier books the companions find themselves in Britain ,Which book was this Q 2. During their stay in Britain Doc is recognized by someone ,was it ever explained how that happened Q 3. How is it that as Jak ages he doesn't outgrow his razor blade jacket All the other characters change their outfits as the series goes along but not Jak.
110 23888
by  KerrickJump to last post
6/10/2012 3:39 AM
51 Replies and 11234 Views Worst Mutie/ bioweps  11234  51 Started by  silentalbino
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Fellow fans what are the worst Mutie/Bio Weapons in the series I've just finished 'Moon Feast' and the carnivorous 'Thunder Kings' aka Rhinos sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
51 11234
by  SPJump to last post
6/7/2012 1:56 AM
7 Replies and 2613 Views Wretched Earth review  2613  7 Started by  Maximus I just submitted my DL Wretched Earth book review.   After Palaces of Poop, it is easy to say that Wretched Earth is wayyyyyy better.    Although it was good, and had a great concept, it didn't have that greatness or epic feel that other authors of recent note have given us. But Milan knows this world and its characters. Much better than Boot and Pollatta.  
7 2613
by  KerrickJump to last post
6/6/2012 11:28 PM
0 Replies and 3457 Views Just got my copy of DL Wrtched Earth  3457  0 Started by  Maximus Well, yesterday I got my copy of the upcoming Deathlands: Wretched Earth, and my local used book store had Outlanders: Dragon City and God War, which I got all for free. (I have tons of credit there)   Although I have just about completely given up on the Outlanders series, I will breeze through them to see if they capture my interest. 
0 3457
6/2/2012 1:01 PM
24 Replies and 12613 Views Deathlands Slang  12613  24 Started by  Duke
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
It really cracks me up how the slang is done in this series.  After all, how many times have they found a Vile or a bunch of people that have never had contact with anyone outside their own little enclave since the Darksky, and yet they use the same slang that is used every where else If it were good slang it wouldn't bother me, but everyone using Wag for any kind of transportation  White Coats for anyone involved with the sciences All the oddball terms for weapons, everyone calling a Stic...
24 12613
by  SPJump to last post
6/1/2012 11:27 PM
86 Replies and 26288 Views Deathlands 100 - Prodigal's Return  26288  86 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 100 - Prodigal's Return The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
86 26288
by  SPJump to last post
5/27/2012 1:23 AM
6 Replies and 2644 Views Goriest DL book??  2644  6 Started by  perfectpawn An odd topic...just curious what is considered the goriest/most OTT installment of Deathlands.  I remember when this series debuted (at the time I subscribed to Gold Eagle...but the bastards never included Deathlands in the bi-monthly package!!), but believe it or not I've never actually read a volume of it.  However as a connoisseur of insane trash fiction, I'd love to know which DL book(s) packs the most punch.  
6 2644
by  darkravenangelJump to last post
5/26/2012 1:24 AM
2 Replies and 2518 Views Gold Eagle question  2518  2 Started by  The Red Baron I've been an on again / off again reader since the early 1990's.  I've been away since last year and I picked up DL100 and 104 and the newest Rogue Angel.  There doesn't appear to be any Reader Service cards in the center or any ads in the back for subscribing anymore.  Also, if I go to the Reader Service website, Gold Eagle is not listed.  Has Gold Eagle ceased subscription operations and gone retail only
2 2518
by  The Red BaronJump to last post
5/12/2012 4:07 PM
15 Replies and 4724 Views Deathlands 102 - Haven's Blight  4724  15 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 102 - Haven's Blight The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
15 4724
by  twinsrule26Jump to last post
4/30/2012 9:40 AM
4 Replies and 2113 Views A query for the DL authors...  2113  4 Started by  Maximus To the current DL authors: Are any of you hopefully entertaining the idea of writing Dean back into the series
4 2113
by  twinsrule26Jump to last post
4/26/2012 8:46 AM
5 Replies and 2281 Views A path not taken  2281  5 Started by  Suspectdevice The band of killers in shockscape seemed the opposite of the deathlands six, (or was it seven) and it would have been great to read more encounters with them as recurring characters. They would have been a capable thorn in the side of Ryan and the gang. They seemed so diverse and interesting, it was a shame that they perished so quickly. 
5 2281
by  MaximusJump to last post
4/17/2012 3:37 PM
62 Replies and 13241 Views Deathland's Revisited  13241  62 Started by  silentalbino
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 4 )
With the new's off an upcoming new arrival, I began to wonder what old friend's and or allies the author's could bring back or stumble across for a book or two, like Donfil More(). I quite liked the Convoy Boss from Cannibal Moon.
62 13241
by  DiabloJump to last post
4/17/2012 2:29 AM
17 Replies and 3047 Views DL Covers  3047  17 Started by  silentalbino What DL Novel had the best cover and why.
17 3047
by  KerrickJump to last post
4/17/2012 1:07 AM
24 Replies and 6833 Views Jaks Bad luck and dommie girl  6833  24 Started by  ShadowTek
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Ok, that sucked that they killed off the dommie chic that Jak fell for, I dont remember her name, but she was in the book where it was winter and they were at a ville where the baron collected muties.. She was pretty cool and would have made a interesting new member of the group, always bums me out when they kill a cool chr off.. (listened to this book this week) Ok, Jak has the worst luck with women! Just in the first 33 books that Ive heard so far.. Hes a walking Jinx! - The dommie ch...
24 6833
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/11/2012 9:30 PM
11 Replies and 3233 Views Has anybody yet read Hell Road Warriors?  3233  11 Started by  Maximus Just wondering if anybody out there has their mitts on this book yet, and has either read it or has read some of it I'm really looking forward to seeing fan's reactions to this particular DL novel.
11 3233
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/10/2012 9:35 PM
1 Replies and 2368 Views Chuck Rogers for president!  2368  1 Started by  Maximus Well, I see the fans have finally written some reviews for Chuck's latest and greatest DL adventure!   Good to see. He deserves many accolades. I almost feel sorry for the next author in line. After this one, its gonna take a hellava new ride to match Hell Road Warriors.   Thanks Chuck for obviously caring for what you write and give the fans!
1 2368
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/10/2012 9:33 PM
16 Replies and 5246 Views Deathlands 101 - Lost Gates  5246  16 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 101 - Lost Gates The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
16 5246
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/10/2012 9:32 PM
6 Replies and 2472 Views What if James Axler was a real person?  2472  6 Started by  AP What if James Axler had been a real person One author who had written 100 DLs (as many newbies mistakenly surmise) We all know it isn't the case, but adopting that broad, if deluded view has some upsides.   The variation in style and execution, the long stretches of weak work could then be laid to stages in 'his' life. His 'blue period.' His 'addicted to huffing whipped cream period.' His 'divorcing from his eighth wife period.' His 'tax audit period.'   The wild swings in pr...
6 2472
by  The PhantomJump to last post
4/5/2012 5:50 PM
1 Replies and 1955 Views My reviews online  1955  1 Started by  ShadowTek Yeah, finally after a long time, my reviews I made are added I have review almost 1/2 the deathland series (almost)  Whoop! and to think I had given up on this place
1 1955
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/5/2012 11:27 AM
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