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10 Replies and 4474 Views Nick Pollota  4474  10 Started by  Ithaqua So, I just learned that Nick Pollota has cancer. Apperently it is not responding to chemo, his kidneys are shot and he's on dialysis every day. (from his facebook page). That sucks. His books have never let me down, despite my reservations about his passion for the series. No matter what you may think of his writing, he is an artist who's work has made us happy... I wish him all the best. DL will not be the same without him. (and that's bad.) Pull through nick!
10 4474
by  MaximusJump to last post
5/3/2013 6:48 PM
22 Replies and 7886 Views Were have you been in the US compared to group?  7886  22 Started by  skullspliter
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Well for two years i traveled the US form coast to coast with the army. And this was cool because i drove from base to base. I have been to 42 of the 50 states. And the reason i bring this up I'm making a map of were the gang has been to and were i have been. Whats cool is it seams i have traveled the same roads Highway 10 down south from MS to TX. etc. In the new books Corpus Cristie in Texas , the bridge in the story i drove over it. But i was thinking were is the Lady Lex (the aircraft carrie...
22 7886
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/16/2013 1:34 PM
24 Replies and 13117 Views Deathlands TV series...  13117  24 Started by  Maximus
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So I read on the internet that the producers of The Walking Dead might be working on a proposed Deathlands TV series.   After thinking about that for a moment, I couldn't help but see the striking similarities betwixt the two series already.    In the walking dead, you have a post-holocaust type scenario, but instead of muties you have zombies.   Insofar as characters are concerned you have Rick who is like Ryan Cawdor, the leader of a small group struggling to survive....
24 13117
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
4/3/2013 6:34 PM
5 Replies and 2873 Views Hello All! (again)  2873  5 Started by  SP2 Hello all! Just kind of a shoutout, this is actually SP. I am a registered user allready but seem to have lost my login info and havent been able to sign in 'under my original handle. Yes I have tried every possible handle and username I have ever had for the 'Send me an e-mail' option of logging in, all to no avail.    Ron if you happen to see this perhaps you could merge the 2 accounts or at least e-mail me with some way to reset my original password from my main e-mail, I havent b...
5 2873
by  SPJump to last post
3/22/2013 10:23 AM
6 Replies and 9163 Views NEED MORE INFO!!!  9163  6 Started by  harley1rocker Like I posted in another thread. I've downloaded a heck of alotta books (death lands) to my kindle and my phone. But amazon only has the newest death lands saga available to download. Does any one know were I can download ALL the death lands books to my kindle Or anywhere. It doesn't have to be kindle. Just electronically...thanx guys!
6 9163
by  Wordsmith-repriseJump to last post
3/19/2013 6:12 PM
8 Replies and 3474 Views hello all!  3474  8 Started by  harley1rocker I love these books 1st off. Some are boring but most are awesome! Are they thinking of making a movie This would be great as like an episode,like TV. I think it would be right up there with the walking dead. I'm also glad they added a new character.....Ricky. I've got a lot of theses books on my kindle. I have to say palaces of light was the worse book I have ever laid eyes upon. Than!
8 3474
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
3/19/2013 6:12 PM
13 Replies and 5233 Views Deathlands 113? - Motherlode Cover Art  5233  13 Started by  Jodes Ladies and Gentlemen.. According to  here is the cover for an upcoming Deathlands book:   Another Kristy cover..   All I can say is.. DAMN!    
13 5233
by  KerrickJump to last post
3/18/2013 8:00 PM
2 Replies and 2636 Views Really looking forward to these upcoming DL books...  2636  2 Started by  Maximus After Milan's last awesome DL, and Helfer's first 2 fantastic books, I am very much looking forward to seeing where these talented writers go next. Especially the newcomer Helfers.   I think Helfers nailed the DL feel and swagger pretty damn quickly. The cover art for his upcoming SEPT book looks very interesting. Ron, any info on book synopsis yet... 
2 2636
by  MaximusJump to last post
3/18/2013 11:14 AM
6 Replies and 2876 Views Deathlands MMO  2876  6 Started by  Tsavo So here's a random idea, that likely already has been mentioned on these boards, but I'm not in the mood to scour the forums looking for it... but what would you guys think of a Deathlands MMO I can already guess the two of the primary problems would be getting people interested, and the inevitable Fallout comparison.
6 2876
by  IthaquaJump to last post
3/18/2013 12:48 AM
2 Replies and 3222 Views Look at this cover by Seeley!  3222  2 Started by  Maximus Looking at all the pics from his gallery, I spotted one that I thought was for an upcoming DL book. Another zombie one from the looks of it.   But it appears to be a sequel for a post-holocaust zombie sequel for another book series. Looks like another Ryan Cawdor to me! On its titled JUGGERNAUT, by Adam Baker.   Has anyone read this
2 3222
by  MaximusJump to last post
3/14/2013 11:12 AM
0 Replies and 3456 Views The first 50 pages of Chrono Spasm...  3456  0 Started by  Maximus OK, I just finished the first 50 pages of the latest DL. Already, just only after reading 50 pages - I already believe it to be the strongest opener this author has done in this series. Love the atmosphere! The biting cold of Alaska has always been some of the very best DL books since the very early years, like the 2nd book where they first encountered this area and Zimyanin.   And Rik seems to've studied the characters of the DL companions much better, including the very fresh and new R...
0 3456
3/9/2013 11:02 AM
1 Replies and 2702 Views Started deathlands again 106-107 are awesome!  2702  1 Started by  Ithaqua The story ideas are tired, but the executuon is so good that I don't care about that. Well written, fun, exciting and I want more. this writer seems to have done his research and cares about the characters. YAY!  
1 2702
by  MaximusJump to last post
3/3/2013 11:09 AM
51 Replies and 12864 Views Deathlands 108 - Nemesis  12864  51 Started by  Ron Miles
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This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 108 - Nemesis The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
51 12864
by  OneFallenShadowJump to last post
2/18/2013 5:16 PM
2 Replies and 2672 Views Deathlands Books  2672  2 Started by  Shaun L. Poole I am a big fan of the Deathland series. When moving several years ago my books got thrown out. I would like to start all over again from book 1. Can anyone help me find ALL of the books    
2 2672
by  ShulpaeJump to last post
2/18/2013 6:13 AM
5 Replies and 3961 Views My take on the authors. Please no mean comments, these people are working hard to entertain us.  3961  5 Started by  Ithaqua My take on DL authors. I have read 106 DL books so far and I can tell the author most of the time without looking it up. Here is my breakdown: (Note, I mean no insult. I am in a creative business as well, and I know people work hard at what they do. Even if it’s not to my taste, it doesn’t mean it or the creator is bad.)   Laurence James: Not fair since he wrote the early books. Guessing isn’t hard. But…Graphic sex and child killings. A very “western&rdquo...
5 3961
by  DiabloJump to last post
2/16/2013 3:03 AM
12 Replies and 5271 Views Allusions in Deathlans  5271  12 Started by  Milo Morai Hi all. Listening through the GA Deathlands and love the allusions to other works.  For example, in the New England setting of  Dectra Chain, there were references to Lovecraft's work and King's the Gunslinger was standing around in Homeward Bound.  Just finished listening to Seedling and the elfin girl dancing along the wag has me stumped.  My first thought was Helprin's A Winter's Tale because of the New York setting.  However, I haven't read it.  Any ideas  Anyone have a list of reference...
12 5271
by  KerrickJump to last post
2/1/2013 7:18 PM
2 Replies and 3497 Views Outlanders, Opinions based on Deathlands fans.  3497  2 Started by  Ithaqua What are your opinions of Outlanders I know the original author is really good, but how is the series Should I try it Do they actually mention events covered in DL
2 3497
by  OneFallenShadowJump to last post
1/10/2013 5:40 PM
27 Replies and 9008 Views Whatever happened with JB's Glaucoma?  9008  27 Started by  SP
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I read freedom lost AGAIN yesterday, and was curious if this was ever brought up again in the series I really want to see him don those purple framed rock star back up specs that I don't recall him ever having to wear again. Anyone know of it being mentioned again And what book/books  
27 9008
by  zaphodbblxJump to last post
1/1/2013 11:40 AM
0 Replies and 3820 Views Deathland's Storm Breakers novel  3820  0 Started by  Maximus Hmmm, just saw the cover and synopsis of July's edition of Deathlands, titled Storm Breaker, on   Nice cover art of J. B. Dix. The synopsis sounds quite interesting too, but also quite somewhat familiar. Hasn't J. B. gotten shot before, wounded enough to where the companions were forced to do a certain something something 
0 3820
1/1/2013 10:46 AM
17 Replies and 5042 Views New Dave Seeley cover for Deathlands: Dark Fathoms  5042  17 Started by  Ron Miles Check out this new cover for Deathlands: Dark Fathoms: I assume it is the Deathlands title for next May, although I haven't seen it show up in any official listings yet.
17 5042
by  The PhantomJump to last post
12/27/2012 1:13 PM
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