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2 Replies and 3217 Views Deathlands 117 - Desolation Angels Cover released..  3217  2 Started by  Jodes Just to let you guys know that that Deathlands 117, Desolation Angels artwork has been released (Front art and then a combo Front and Back) on Dave It's a Ryan cover again. Enjoy!
2 3217
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
12/20/2013 11:48 AM
7 Replies and 6108 Views Deathlands 82 - Apocalypse Unborn  6108  7 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 82 - Apocalypse Unborn The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
7 6108
by  MaximusJump to last post
12/5/2013 1:39 AM
2 Replies and 3139 Views Happiness Found  3139  2 Started by  Shaun L. Poole At last, finally at last I have started my Deathlands Journey. I found the first 40 books and cannot wait to read each one. Sorry if I drove anyone nuts what with my trying to find these long treasured book. Of course I will probly go crazy trying to find the rest but I will avail.
2 3139
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/8/2013 1:13 AM
88 Replies and 19649 Views Deathlands 103 - Hell Road Warriors  19649  88 Started by  Ron Miles
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This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 103 - Hell Road Warriors The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
88 19649
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/6/2013 1:56 AM
3 Replies and 2869 Views Who are the authors for...  2869  3 Started by  Maximus Hey Ron, who are the authors for the DL titles of Hanging Judge and Motherlode  I am currently reading Motherlode, and it feels like Victor Milan's writing style. But what about those upcoming titles
3 2869
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/3/2013 10:26 AM
3 Replies and 2677 Views returning to the series. 100 good place to start?  2677  3 Started by  The Red Baron So, the not so subtle hints and synopsis on the back of 100 'Prodigal's Return' gives me an idea of what big story line is going to take place.  Is 100 a good place to return to the series  Is there any important earlier story line in recent books before 100 that I should maybe start at
3 2677
by  The Red BaronJump to last post
10/31/2013 11:19 AM
23 Replies and 12997 Views Deathlands 96 - Downrigger Drift  12997  23 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 96 - Downrigger Drift The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
23 12997
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
10/27/2013 8:58 AM
44 Replies and 12394 Views Deathlands 112 - Dark Fathoms  12394  44 Started by  Ron Miles
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This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 112- Dark Fathoms The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
44 12394
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
10/20/2013 6:00 PM
3 Replies and 3638 Views Deathlands 115 - Hanging Judge?  3638  3 Started by  Jodes   Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Dave Seeley's latest work - Possibly DL 115, 'Hanging Judge'.   Now, is it just me, or does this look a little familiar Hmmm...   Anyone
3 3638
by  MaximusJump to last post
10/8/2013 1:08 PM
10 Replies and 4228 Views Deathlands 116 - End Program?  4228  10 Started by  Jodes   As per  another DL cover to make us wonder what the upcoming story is! This cover is definitely different.. Haven't seen him use any of the characters like this before! It's also very foreboding..  I'll let you guys be the judge!   Enjoy!  
10 4228
by  MaximusJump to last post
10/8/2013 1:07 PM
0 Replies and 5720 Views Deathlands eBook?  5720  0 Started by  Nightpath Howdy all, I've been reading Deathlands for a long time, and recently wanted to update my paperback collection and put them all onto my ereader that my wife got me. I take a lot of long trips (military) so it's a much used piece of kit. Anyways, it's becomes rather cumbersome wanting to lug several books with me all the time, and the eRead is great. I've found a lot of the books on the Kobo book site, and a few others.  Has anyone seen books 60 and up for sale online Can't seem to find ...
0 5720
9/26/2013 4:50 PM
2 Replies and 2900 Views Upcoming DL authored books  2900  2 Started by  Maximus Does anyone know who is penning the next upcoming DL books I also looked up on the cover art and synopsis of the upcoming books not yet posted on this site, and the DL End Program sounds and looks very interesting. Ryan's eye finally gets repaired!   He had a chance to do that twice now. First in the Anthill with Ellis's first DL book, and then Helfer's latest book. I found it odd and kinda stupid that Ryan didn't get this done. Even though the writers never explore this, h...
2 2900
by  MaximusJump to last post
9/20/2013 1:19 AM
6 Replies and 4901 Views Deathlands 110 - Sins of Honor  4901  6 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 110 - Sins of Honor The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
6 4901
by  IthaquaJump to last post
8/15/2013 4:40 PM
0 Replies and 3654 Views Deathlands 2 - Red Holocaust  3654  0 Started by  Gazhack Recently finished 'Red Holocaust'. I enjoyed it but I felt there was a level of sadism to it that was exceptional even for Deathlands. Aside from all the detailed descriptions of the Russian outlaws' attacks on various mutie villages, the book ends with Ryan and a Russian officer taking it in turns to kill their prisoners. The discovery of the 'shopping mall' redoubt made me think we were in for a remake of 'Dawn of the Dead' but the story proved to be more original. Once again I feel the first ...
0 3654
7/18/2013 2:51 PM
50 Replies and 14372 Views Deathlands 109 - Chrono Spasm  14372  50 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 109 - Chrono Spasm The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
50 14372
by  GazhackJump to last post
7/18/2013 2:41 PM
18 Replies and 3594 Views Anybody reading DL Storm Breakers?  3594  18 Started by  Maximus Anyone out there into this one yet
18 3594
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
7/16/2013 5:32 PM
4 Replies and 2985 Views For better or for worse???  2985  4 Started by  McPlop Just about to start book 30 and a thought struck me... I'm fast running out of Laurence James books. In my opinion the series has shifted up a gear or two, from 'Rider Reaper' onwards. Not sure what to expect from other authors. Judging by the majority of what I've read here i'm guessing not a lot Cant think of anything I've read bar the odd graphic novel/ comic that's been penned by more than one writer.
4 2985
by  IthaquaJump to last post
5/22/2013 1:22 AM
2 Replies and 5434 Views Who has been reading to me every night for 3 years?  5434  2 Started by  satchel The question says it all, who are the voice actors which star in deathlands I know there has been a couple of changes of cast, but mostly its the same people.  Who are they 
2 5434
by  IthaquaJump to last post
5/22/2013 1:20 AM
6 Replies and 4037 Views Deathlands 114 - Siren Song Cover Art  4037  6 Started by  Jodes   Ladies and Gentlemen.. I give you an update on Dave Seeley's Website.. Cover to Deathlands 114 - Siren Song. Another Ryan cover.. looks pretty cool!  
6 4037
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
5/21/2013 1:02 PM
26 Replies and 8335 Views mat-trans locations  8335  26 Started by  white wolf
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I've read every book except for the last dozen and i had an idea. the mat trans has taken the companions to ryans home, and jak's home, but i thought it would be cool to have them mat-trans to Krysty's, J.B.'s, and Doc's and Mildred's hometowns. especially with mildred and maybe doc, because i live in  lincoln, nebraska.
26 8335
by  applesauceJump to last post
5/5/2013 8:55 AM
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