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13 Replies and 3846 Views The first 80 pages of DL's No Man's Land  3846  13 Started by  Maximus OK, I have to vent a bit here.   After just finishing the first 80 pages of this latest DL, I kinda already feel I've read this same scenario a million times already.   If I read another baron vs baron, I'm gonna throw-up!   For those who have already finished this one - does it get better
13 3846
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
12/27/2012 4:43 AM
19 Replies and 5709 Views Deathlands 107 - No Man's Land  5709  19 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 107 - No Man's Land The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
19 5709
by  twinsrule26Jump to last post
12/26/2012 2:28 AM
5 Replies and 9653 Views Zombie Apocalypse Redemption  9653  5 Started by  Ithaqua This terrible, terrible SyFy movie is a post apocalypse zombie story with so many DL elements I would be suprised if one of the many writers doesn't read the series. It could just be me, but it plays like a DL with just Ryan. Tough loner thrown out of his cold heart ville. Evil Baron (sets a new gold standard for 'chewing the scenery.') Cold heart raid on caravan/ville Armory in cold heart ville. Raid on cold heart Ville. a main character wears a disguise with an eyepatch. Just wondering...
5 9653
by  Red MarkJump to last post
12/9/2012 11:44 PM
13 Replies and 4802 Views Deathlands 106 - Crimson Waters  4802  13 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 106 - Crimson Waters The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
13 4802
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/3/2012 9:48 AM
4 Replies and 3234 Views Damn I miss Zimyanin!  3234  4 Started by  SP Honestly I seriously wish he would be brought back. I know LJ was actually going to bring him back at one time. I am currently reading Red Equinox again after 20 years and I had forgotton how much I liked the man. As far as different authors not being able to use other's characters, I have found that is not so. After reading Thunder road and Andy Boot actually bringing back and then KILLING OFF 3 of Victor Milan's characters from Veangence Trail I am sure someone could do it. So som...
4 3234
by  MaximusJump to last post
11/2/2012 9:01 AM
0 Replies and 3344 Views More Dave Seeley Cover Artwork  3344  0 Started by  Ron Miles I just added another five Dave Seeley covers to the Books section.  They are: Prophecy,Arcadian's Asylum,Moonfeast,Downrigger Drift, and Playfair's Axium. Enjoy!
0 3344
11/1/2012 8:26 PM
40 Replies and 10582 Views Why do the female companions not carry blades?  10582  40 Started by  SP
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Seriously Ryan,JB, Doc and Jak all have to resort to blades throughout the series and Mildred and Krysty are left with unarmed combat. Why It makes zero sense for them not to have a blade in the Deathlands like the male companions.   I think it would be within the realm of possibility for someone at sometime to include them in a novel. My opinion would be Mildred picking up a switchblade or butterfly knife somewhere and Krysty finding a Small military hatchet of somesort, al...
40 10582
by  When In RedoubtJump to last post
10/21/2012 3:08 AM
7 Replies and 2335 Views Lonely Planet DL style.  2335  7 Started by  silentalbino Where would you like the gang to appear next India China Austrailia
7 2335
by  RPGjunkieJump to last post
9/30/2012 1:51 AM
3 Replies and 3049 Views Playfair's Axiom  3049  3 Started by  RJ I usually but the books as soon as they come out but I missed the release of this book and have found it online for $75 or more why is this book costing so much I have the complete Deathlands collection except for this book. ANyone have any reasons Thanks
3 3049
by  mobiusJump to last post
9/16/2012 10:04 PM
3 Replies and 2214 Views DL books by character focus  2214  3 Started by  When In Redoubt Obviously, while the DL books run all our favs, I've noticed that some focus a bit more on specific characters.  Can anyone point out the books which give more 'facetime' to Krysty or Krysty and Ryan  What about some books that showcase one or two of the others especially Any help would be greatly appreciated!
3 2214
by  When In RedoubtJump to last post
9/10/2012 2:38 PM
4 Replies and 3508 Views Deathlands Bling or Post Apocalyptic Fashion  3508  4 Started by  When In Redoubt The people of the Deathlands are masters at scavenging and clever at turning the remains of our world into stuff they can use--we've seen that throughout the series.  But, as history's shown, humans don't just survive, they live.  And they can't resist personal decor.  So if you were one of the Companions, or wandering in Deathlands yourself, what sort of apocalyptic Deathland bling would you make--using the ruined bits and bobs of our world  For yourself, your friends, or...
4 3508
by  When In RedoubtJump to last post
9/10/2012 2:36 PM
2 Replies and 2466 Views Redoubt code  2466  2 Started by  ACMERAVEN I am trying to pin down exactly when and how the code numbers 352 were changed to 357
2 2466
by  GrantboJump to last post
9/8/2012 10:12 PM
2 Replies and 2259 Views The 1st 100 pages of Crimson Waters...  2259  2 Started by  Maximus I just had to come here and type in that Victor Milan's brand-new Deathlands: Crimson Waters starts off - in my humble opinion - even better than his zombie one.   I just read the first 10 chapters, around 100 pages, and it left me with one of the best choreographed battle scenes that left me with a huge, satisfied grin on my face. Milan seems to be bringing his A-game to the DL series. Much like Chuck Rogers has done, Milan places bigger and badder weapons into the companion's hands. As...
2 2259
by  MaximusJump to last post
9/6/2012 11:14 AM
14 Replies and 3469 Views What is your favorite book from each author?  3469  14 Started by  SP 1 or 2 books actually. No more then that. 1st and second, let's try to include all of the authors, well except for the few authors who only had maybe 1 or 2 unless you want to. But let's not bitch about any of them let's just say which was our fav's from whatever authors you do like. If you have nothing nice to say then...You know, just don't include them in your post. I'll have to have a while for my picks as I review them in my head. I will edit this post as soon as I do.    
14 3469
by  SPJump to last post
9/2/2012 5:46 PM
3 Replies and 2945 Views Deathlands and Sons of Guns  2945  3 Started by  Maximus Just watched a new episode of Sons of Guns and loved this new Kriss assault rifle! It is going to be in the new movie Total Recall, which looks pretty damn cool!   The version and added on shit that the Sons of Guns guys did made this badass weapon look even more awesome.    Couldn't help but think what a fantastic weapon this would be for Ryan Cawdor. Like the old G-3 he used to carry, but even better! (Hint, hint DL writers)
3 2945
by  When In RedoubtJump to last post
8/31/2012 6:28 PM
36 Replies and 8677 Views Deathlands 105 - Wretched Earth  8677  36 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 105 - Wretched Earth The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
36 8677
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
7/27/2012 6:00 PM
0 Replies and 3447 Views Has no one pre-ordered DL's Wretched Earth?  3447  0 Started by  Maximus This book should be in book stores in a week or less. Has none of you fans out there pre-ordered it No one out there reading this    I look forward to seeing what other fans think of this book. I can't get over how many fans come out and blast bad books with reviews, but not the good ones.
0 3447
6/29/2012 2:30 PM
96 Replies and 17401 Views Deathlands 104 - Palaces of Light  17401  96 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 104 - Palaces of Light The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
96 17401
by  MaximusJump to last post
6/24/2012 4:09 PM
7 Replies and 2680 Views Hmmm...  2680  7 Started by  )3az )3aziah  Is it just me or does the topic entitled 'Deathlands Story Game, All Play!!' Read better than the whole of Palaces of Light  Jim
7 2680
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
6/21/2012 11:48 PM
14 Replies and 2865 Views Deathlands minibooklet.  2865  14 Started by  Wordsmith-reprise Kerrick, I have a scan of the booklet if you want a 'copy.' E-mail me at if you want it.
14 2865
by  Wordsmith-repriseJump to last post
6/18/2012 1:15 PM
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