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121 Replies and 23499 Views The future of Deathlands  23499  121 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
We've gotten several new users on the site lately, and I thought it might be fun to have a discussion about the potential future of the series.&160;&160;&160; The past year's worth of titles has shown that there is life in the series yet, and still many interesting ideas to explore despite the authors being handcuffed by a lack of tight continuity and the need to always leave the main characters exactly how they found them. Most interesting to me is the widening of the scope of the stories.&...
121 23499
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/29/2009 3:39 PM
38 Replies and 7380 Views Brian Keene is a fan!  7380  38 Started by  Ron Miles
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
So, how cool is this&160; I have been a fan of Brian Keene for several years now, ever since The Rising, and earlier this evening I finally registered on his forum just to check it out and say hello.&160; It turns out that he is, in his own words, 'a big Deathlands junkie'! So, just in case you are over here taking a look, a big hello to Brian Keene and his fans from!&160; And for everyone here on the board, if you have not read Keene you should really check him out.&160; I ...
38 7380
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/25/2009 9:18 PM
37 Replies and 10790 Views Magus what do you think of this guy??  10790  37 Started by  skullspliter
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OK been thinking(day dreaming) And it seams Magus is well a main bad guy still running around, yeah they messed up his plans. But do you all think we may see him in the near future. They blasted Delphi and is gone. So its just him now.
37 10790
by  DiabloJump to last post
7/24/2009 10:26 PM
3 Replies and 2475 Views Deathlands Odds and Ends  2475  3 Started by  dean_cawdor1977 Couple of things on my mind here, so let me just fire off the first.  Just finished reading Stoneface ( by far one the best books ) and I was wondering if Lars Hellstrom has ever resurfaced in other books.  I have tried to scan through the back cover book descriptions of the books that follow but I cannot find him popping up anywhere.  This is a HUGE character that should be coming back to face off against Ryan after totally screwing him over.  If anyone knows anything, lets hear it.Secondly, is...
3 2475
by  BKSFLDR8RMANJump to last post
7/24/2009 5:50 PM
33 Replies and 8321 Views Deathlands 85 - Dark Resurrection  8321  33 Started by  Ron Miles
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This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands 85 - Dark Resurrection The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
33 8321
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/19/2009 8:48 AM
4 Replies and 2380 Views What ever happened to The Trader?  2380  4 Started by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) I remember him hooking up with the group in Trader Redux and then a few books later(forget the title)he was separrated from Ryan and the group on a beach during a really bad firefightIs that all that has been done with the storyline about TraderI have missed a few books.
4 2380
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/17/2009 5:23 PM
7 Replies and 2728 Views Name your favorite Death Lands book from Pilgrimage To Hell to present and why?  2728  7 Started by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) Mine is probably 'Trader Redux'.Of course 'Blood Lines''Chill Factor' 'Pilgrimage to Hell' and too many of the early books all are a close tie with me.I like 'Trader Redux' the most because of the tension between Ryan and Trader and I kept hoping for the fight that never happened between them.
7 2728
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/16/2009 11:11 PM
12 Replies and 6872 Views Just a Death Lands fans take  6872  12 Started by  Diablo I remember the first time I heard any thing about DL.  It was on a road trip for work 'Pilgrimage to Hell' on cassette.  From that point I was hooked, the days stopping at truck stops to look for new titles was great.  But after word got out about DL cassettes were harder to find.  That is when I started hitting the books.For years now I have been reading the books and I have noticed the changes from the different authors.  Some like it this way, some like it that way.  But for the most part the...
12 6872
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/15/2009 8:07 AM
13 Replies and 2949 Views More DL  2949  13 Started by  The Phantom I hear that Deathlands will be returning to a six book a year schedule in the future. Interesting...
13 2949
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
7/10/2009 6:21 PM
21 Replies and 6519 Views Narrow the Authors down.. who would you choose??  6519  21 Started by  dean_cawdor1977
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This topic is in no way meant to put any of the authors down.. but with so much talk about consistency and a sense of order to the Deathlands books, I thought I would put out the question 'If you had to choose 3 Authors to take over the series, who would you pick' If you care to give reasons why, feel free. I will start... 1) Alan Philipson... with his work on the Shadow World books and then the recent duology PL/DR I feel he has cemented a great legacy in the Deathlands rea...
21 6519
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
7/7/2009 10:49 AM
43 Replies and 10687 Views Some inconsistencies with a couple of Deathlands books!!  10687  43 Started by  Traveller 777
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It has been a while since I have made a post, but lately something has been bothering me about certain books in the Deathlands series. Has anyone else noticed that not all storylines in each book follows consistency One of the many plot lines and/or rules is that the Last Destination button or LD button in the Gate Ways, has only a 30 minute window and is mention all time in many books, as well as not being able to control the Gate Ways to where the group would like to go. One book in particula...
43 10687
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
7/6/2009 12:50 AM
8 Replies and 9232 Views Trader-ism  9232  8 Started by  dean_cawdor1977 I tried to do this on my own as I was reading through from the beginning of the series but it was too much, so I throw it to the masses and together I think we can compile a good list of quotes from the Trader. If you have a favorite or if you come across one in the DL book you are reading, throw it in here. 'Man believes his eyes and ears without raising a question's already gotten his ticket booked for the last train out to the coast' DEEP EMPIRE
8 9232
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
7/4/2009 10:26 PM
17 Replies and 3215 Views General questions about Apocalypse Unborn  3215  17 Started by  gumble Hi all, OK I have just finished reading Apocalypse Unborn, but I was wondering if someone out there can clarify a few things for me. Firstly, when did Mildred learn how to access the Mat-trans computer to gain the redoubt code to follow Doc. Yeah, I remember her using the comps before but it seemed to me the first time she actually knew what she was doing. If this is the case then the group could partially start to piece together a map - or plan - of some of the locations of the dedoubts. Cou...
17 3215
by  DiabloJump to last post
6/27/2009 7:18 PM
0 Replies and 3548 Views Darknight, Deathlands books in Gaudy Ville !!!  3548  0 Started by  gumble This is just a brief note to say that Deathlands books turn up in the most unusual of places.In Pattaya in Thailand now for 2 months (yeah, I know what your thinking and well your wrong), and was just browsing the local falang new and second-hand bookshop, and low and behold came across Axler Deathlands books on the shelf. I mean I cannot even get them on the shelf in the UK ! Gaudy city and Axler books Wow, somebodies heaven on earth !Maybe left by some navy/army dude on an off-duty gaudy bin...
0 3548
6/19/2009 9:32 PM
6 Replies and 3459 Views Thunder Road - Dark Knight  3459  6 Started by  gumble OK, so after coming back to the site after too long and being far to lazy to look thorugh old posts, I have a quick couple of questions relating to semi-recent DL books.First - I can understand there might be a few trade mark issues but I'm suprised Thunder Road was not called DARK KNIGHT after reading it ! Especially a DL favourite catch-word ! (maybe DC would have had a few problems with it though)Second, after recently finishing Plague Lords it seemed to me that the writer seemed to be having...
6 3459
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
6/17/2009 6:38 PM
3 Replies and 2406 Views Major Zimyanin as a party member  2406  3 Started by  Blitzhund It would seem to me that Axler missed a chance with Zimyanin. By putting him in the MatTrans unit at the end of Red Equinox he could have ended up joining the group. What a fantastic addition he would have been. Strong, good with weapons and would have added the Russian viewpoint. His knowledge of Warsaw Pact and Soviet blasters coupled with JB and (later) Mildred's would have been great. There could have also been a good ongoing friction of leadership between Ryan and Zimyanin as both we...
3 2406
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
6/17/2009 6:23 PM
4 Replies and 4546 Views Deatlands books belonging together?  4546  4 Started by  Hell Tanner Hi,I'm not only new to this forum (btw - is there a special 'Hello, I'm new' thread) but also new to the Deathland series.In fact I haven't read a single book yet. After discovering the series I wanted to start with 01 Pilgrimage to Hell but as it's only available as 2nd hand book to horrifying prices (at least in germany) I thought maybe I could start with newer ones.So my question is: Is there some kind of order how and which books belong togetherLike: 1-3 belong together, 4 and 5 are stand ...
4 4546
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
6/17/2009 6:11 PM
4 Replies and 3171 Views A Good Laugh  3171  4 Started by  Chair-Master I just started reading these books from 1 and am currently reading Homeward Bound.  I just read the part with the 'cute' little bear/ewok type animals that the crew let in out of the rain to get dry.  I almost shot coffee out of my nose from laughing when the scene concluded.So far I am really enjoying this series and the hunt for all the books is an interesting past time as well.
4 3171
by  Another One Eyed ChillerJump to last post
6/15/2009 5:03 PM
20 Replies and 7377 Views Chat room  7377  20 Started by  Diablo
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Is there a DL's chatroom
20 7377
by  DiabloJump to last post
5/30/2009 1:19 AM
11 Replies and 4891 Views Trader & The War Wags  4891  11 Started by  nhdoucette Having just recently finished Encounter & Pilgrimage to Hell,&160;It got me thinking that i would like to see some more stories about trader and the war wags. It could be either just a remeberance novel in the current series or a mini series of its own. maybe called the trader&160;years or&160;the war wag chronicles. it can start when ryan joins or start at the beginning and document how trader built up the war wags. i would be interested in this anybody else.
11 4891
by  JettaManDanJump to last post
5/19/2009 1:55 PM
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